
Given an array A. of N elements the result of sorting the array in place is to arrange elements of A. so that


Quicksort by C. A. R. Hoare is a sorting algorithm in place. It has a worst-case running time that is O(N**2); its expected running time is O(N*lgN).

It is often the best practical choice for sorting because it is remarkably efficient on the average. The following table compares four sorting algorithms. The A. array includes the integers in the range 1 to Max=10,100,1000,40000.


Running time in seconds for N=10000
Algorithm Max = 100 Max = 1000 Max = 40000 Max = 99999
QUICKSORT 4.66  4.53  4.89  4.59 
HEAPSORT 10.26  10.67  11.58  11.18 
SHELLSORT  7.45   8.89  10.58  10.13 
COUNTING_SORT  1.88   1.95   7.93  31.85 


Unit: nonrecursive internal subroutine
Global variables: array A. of arbitrary elements
Parameter: a positive integer N - number of elements in A.
Result: Reordering of input array such that


QUICKSORT: procedure expose A.
parse arg N
S = 1; StackL.1 = 1; StackR.1 = N
do until S = 0
  L = StackL.S; R = StackR.S; S = S - 1
  do until L >= R
    I = L; J = R; P = (L + R) % 2
    if A.L > A.P
      then do; W = A.L; A.L = A.P; A.P = W; end
    if A.L > A.R
      then do; W = A.L; A.L = A.R; A.R = W; end
    if A.P > A.R
      then do; W = A.P; A.P = A.R; A.R = W; end
    X = A.P
    do until I > J
      do I = I while A.I < X; end
      do J = J by -1 while X < A.J; end
      if I <= J
        then do
          W = A.I; A.I = A.J; A.J = W
          I = I + 1; J = J - 1
    if J - L < R - I
      then do
        if I < R
          then do
            S = S + 1; StackL.S = I; StackR.S = R
        R = J
      else do
        if L < J
          then do
            S = S + 1; StackL.S = L; StackR.S = J
        L = I
  end /* until L >= R */
end /* until S = 0 */

For sorting in descending order, you need only change the red coloured statements

      do I = I while A.I > X; end
      do J = J by -1 while X > A.J; end


Sorting Problem
     Counting sort

Cormen T. H., Leiserson Ch. E., Rivest R. L. Introduction to Algorithms
The MIT Press, Cambridge, 1990
Sedgewick R. Algorithms
Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1984
Wirth N. Algorithms and data structure
New Jersey, Prentice Hall, Inc., Engelwood Cliffs, 1986

I changed the test from Max=10 ... 40000 to Max=100 ... 99999. Thanks for idea go to Walter Pachl.

This test ran in the Windows 2000 Professional environment on the computer with 132MB RAM and processor x86Family 6 Mode 6 Stepping 5.

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last modified 10th September 2001
Copyright © 2000-2001 Vladimir Zabrodsky
Czech Republic