Everyone who counts knows about the Triple Goddess. She has existed in many religions and cultures and her aspects are best recognised as The Mother, The Maid and The Hag. However not many know about the Triple God............... Me.
My three aspects, desperate for some attention, have guided me to make this page so that you may know them and thus know me. As you can see below they've all had a say so go ahead and read on, I'm sure it will be an enlightening experience.

Hi, this is Me here. I represent the factual aspect, one of the three aspects of the God Joshua. I was born in May 9th of 1983 and, despite the efforts of several major cities, three independent countries and a budhist monk with a grudge, am still alive and kicking. Even though I'm technicaly omnicient and omnipresent (among other things) I go to University of New South Wales where they supply the higher learning and I supply the earthly money (or rather my parents supply it, MUHAHAHAHA....).

Computer Science is the name of the game I play, and very well is how I play it. Their futile attempts to drown me in maths are all for naught, I will prevail and then you'd all better bloody well watch out. Recently I thought it might be a good idea to include my ICQ here, 22070411, enjoy.

I hope this gives you a small insight into my godly mind, now I'll leave you with the other two aspects so that you may know me better.

Speaking for Myself, which is who I am, I'd like to add some of my interests in this life;

They include writing, reading (fantasy, sci-fi, humor), roller blading, rock climbing, fencing, indulging my evil tendencies, humor (what's life without a laugh?), torturing my brother (we recently acquired a rack, MUHAHAHA), going "MUHAHAHAHA" at people and watching their reaction, computers, curling up in bed with a good book, smiting all who do not bow before me, traveling and several other things which I have either forgotten or can't mention here for legal reasons.

I represent the side of the trinity that isn't covered by the other two, you may think this is not such an important job but you'd be wrong! naturally as it is the task coverd by I it is automatically the most important.

The God of which I make up a third is kind, generous to a fault and doesn't poison pigeons in the park no matter *what* anyone says (apologies to Tom Lehrer, and if you don't know who that is I command you to look it up on the net right now!, how come you're reading this instead of looking him up??? I could smite you you know. Go. NOW!)

I shall assume you have now gone, looked up Tom Lehrer and come back and therefore I shall continue.

Hmmmmmm, well I can't actually think of anything to say about my God just this second, but I'm sure I'll think of something later, and when I do I'll put it up. Remember, a vote for I is a vote for me. (that is me who is I rather than Me the independent entity, confused? good.)

Terrawyn 22070411

You have my assurance as a gentleman that this in no way involves custard or pickled herring. Same to you budy!' just doesn't have the ring to it that some of the ones in here do, why not check it out? You seem a decent fellow, I hate to die. Relax, put up your feet, take out a good book and start reading........ or, alternatively, you could click on this link and go to my library section. You know, most people would use the back button on their browser but you just HAD to press the shiny yellow one, didn't you? You'll laugh, you'll cry........ I'm just not going to tell you why. I'd give you my real address so you could send ordinary snail mail............. but I won't.