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Architecture: With
or Without Tiers?

The evolution of Client/Server toward web deployment is encouraging application developers to consider architecture more carefully than ever. The "Application Model" advocated by Microsoft for client/server systems consists of three tiers: User Services (presentation), Business Services (Business Objects), and Data Services (Database access).

Of course this fits in neatly with Microsoft's component architecture scheme, but is tiered architecture worth the extra design effort? The key to productivity is to pre-design the interfaces between the layers.

Expect to spend more time designing and less time coding using object oriented methodology. Continued...


Business Requirements

Sooner or later the system designer WILL know what they are. Too often it is only after the user has tried to use the delivered product. The cruel truth is you must usually start designing with only a partial understanding of how the system will be used. Continued...


User Interfaces

The OOD technique of State Transition Analysis is easily learned and applied to the user interface. It makes programming sophisticated presentations easy to code, debug and maintain. Continued...


Project Control And Deliverables

A well-managed project has clearly defined deliverables. Team members clearly understand what is expected and managers can track progress accurately. Define design deliverables by what questions they address... Continued...


SQL Server Design

Design descisions made here dramatically affect the cost of operations over the life of the system. Of all the aspects of design, this is where it is most important to know what you are doing at the outset. Continued...



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