Data-Driven Intranets
The critical deliverable... most abysmal failures
What this document must do... dual audience... satisfy the
various user groups...provide everything the designer needs
Describing existing processing plus critique and suggested
changes, vs describing a whole new system...greater leeway for
the designer
Why CSF's?
Project Description
- What is the capsule description of the project?
User Groups
- What areas of the company are interested in this system?
- What are the different user roles or user views and how
do each expect to interact with the system?
- Which functions are definitely in?
- Which are definitely out?
- Which are undecided?.
Description of Current Processing
- How is the business currently handling these functions?
- What manual and automated procedures are in place?
- What reports and spreadsheets and other documents are
currently in use?
- What external data sources are involved?
Critique of Current Processing
- What are the shortcomings of the current system?
- What pieces are faulty?
- What pieces are missing?
- What pieces are unused?
Proposed New and Revised Functionality
- What ideas for improved processing have come from the
user community?
Critical Success Factors
- For each user group with an interest in the final
product, what are the make-or-break features that must be
present in the new system for them to consider it
Decision Support Analysis
- For each of the critical success factors, what are the
key decisions being supported and/or activities being
monitored and what are the information structures needed
to support them?
Business Rules
- Identify the validation rules of key inputs; calculations
and derivations of key outputs.