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Rodrick & Jennifer

Together Forever

Hello, I'm Jennifer.

I never thought what happened to me would...I met the man of my dreams and fell in LOVE. Rod you bring me so much happiness and joy. You fill me with so much love and kindness. You gave me something that no other man could, YOU! And I would give my life to keep you with me.
All my thoughts, are thoughts of us being together forever, the present and most of all OUR FUTURE!
I love you baby, with all my heart, mind, body, and soul.
You are my life and my world. :o)

Hey, I'm Rodrick.

To my girlfriend, Jennifer You are so wonderful and beautiful, beyond my wildest imagination. The love I hold for you is inconceiveable to a single emotion or thought. When i sit and try to explain my love for you, I just can't do it for my brain is flooded with joious thoughts of joy, and pleasures. You are always on my mind, sometimes it's just romantic feelings and other times it's lust and sexual desires. The only obstacle I see us faced with, is our enemy time and life, with a little patience's, love and trust we will work through it all, and defy time and life in our own minds. When I am with you I forget about the misery, the confusion of life. You bring me total happiness, and joy. With every step hand in hand you make me realize what a lucky man I am, too have found you a mist and alone in the world. Well no more sorrows and fustration because I have you and you have me. I love you like, I have never loved anyone before, I hope our hopes and dreams become one as we reach them one by one.

Don't We Make A Perfect Couple?


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