Ed is doing well, there is still lots of snow on the ground up there, but Monday was the nicest day that they have seen. We drove over to the PX (Fort Drum is really big) so that he could return a pair of boots that he had bought that were falling apart. Then we drove into Watertown and went looking for the mall. Had lunch at Applebees, because Ed wanted a steak. Apparently the food at Fort Drum is pretty awful, so most of the time they get pizza or chinese or something. Then we found the mall and wandered around, looking at music and books and stuff. We ended up going to see Bringing Down the House, which was pretty funny, if painful at times.
Now I'm at work for the rest of the week, and this Saturday is Family Learning Weekend at ASD. On Sunday it will be time to move back to school, which is good on the annoying family side and bad on the annoying schoolwork side. It's almost summer time. Almost... May... May is a good month (moth?). Lots of movies come out in May that I plan on seeing... I should probably start saving up *grin*. And by "lots of movies", I actually mean "seeing The Matrix Reloaded about 18 times". Good thing classes finish somewhere in there. Heh heh...
We're using a new problem ticket program-type thing at the Helpdesk, starting this week. It's interesting... Still has a few issues to work out, but mostly not too bad. But we're losing touch with our roots... the mainframe, man! It's all about the mainframe, every time! :)
Everything 2 will save me from my boredom... I hope... Perhaps its time to revisit some comic archives and see if the Baen Free Library has added anything new recently.
So, here I am sitting at work. I gots no AIM, because people are silly. But, you can email me! *grin* I'm so bored that I am checking my email once every five minutes or so. Please email me? :)
That is all.