Attended MundoLAN this weekend. Good stuff, there was much playing of Warcraft 3 and Soldier of Fortune 2. Even dragged a couple people with me. Lots of fun.
Get to go see DMB on thursday. Lookin forward to it, very much. Listening to some funky Chili Peppers right now. Get to work this week, which is good, cause I'm getting strapped for cash. Been reading the Belisarious series, by Eric Flint and David Drake online at the Baen Free Library. However, I have exhausted the books available online for free, so now I will commence the spending of the money and the purchasing of the volumes. On a closely related note, War of Honor won't be coming out until October! Outrageous!! My people cannot wait that long, Senator!
A friend pointed out to me that I shouldn't have the address of my webpage in my AIM profile if I'm not going to update the webpage in question. My rebuttal pertains to the fact that I have not updated my AIM profile in approximately as long. Summer is a slow internet time for me. *sniff* T1 *sniff*
More later, mayhap. *shrug* Then again, mayhap not.