Classes are done tomorrow. This is both good and bad, as I'm sure ya'll can appreciate. I do have a written exam tomorrow night in Sign Class. Gotta remember to study for that. Yes, good idea. Study. We borrowed the book so that we could study from it. Maybe later...
The goal of the weekend was to go see Equilibrium (action movie. big bad enforcer guy turns against Orwellian gov't when they arrest his wife. looks like fun). However, this did not happen. *shrug* And now that we've moved into the week right before/of finals, I think that fewer and fewer people will be up for spontaneous (to them) trips to the theater... not to mention it's not playing in Manchester, the theater that I know how to get to. It is playing in East Hartford somewhere, but this does not really help me unless I have someone from around here who knows what the heck they're doing (WaylandSmith comes to mind).
Silly users, calling the Helpdesk... don't they know we can't help them? I have no idea what the problem with Endnote is! Heck, only in retrospect do I realize what the heck he was talking about. Plus, its after five (it's after six!), so all these people should be at home, not here bothering me. At least we can listen to music now. Hong is over there watching Hellsing (Hellsing is a good anime about a vampire, the ass he kicks, and the mistress he serves. The opening song is quite catchy).
Finally got around to watching Evangelion, like Gabe reccomended... I'm up to episode 9 or 11 or so... it's still dumb. It makes my head hurt, where the thinking happens! I also haven't found after episode 16 or so on the network yet. Then again, I haven't looked very hard.
Ooooh, it's 6:41. Almost almost almost time to go home.
Ben had an interesting bit to say about the viral click me webpage things. Interesting how on a larger scale internet advertising is no longer regarded as the powerhouse of the future, but in this case it can turn an innocent game from a bandwidth killer to a font of greed. Stupid greed. The moral is: don't click. Mmmm, money (brains).
When I asked an innocent bystander what I should update about, I got a couple suggestions. I will not however, be writing about Poland spring water.
weather: cold
cute girl: very
music: good, funky
TV: none
lack thereof: huzzah
finals: yucky
exams: shudder
winter break: see val!
That is all.