Work has been boring. Why does everyone need me to hold their hands? I can do things perfectly fine on my own, why are all these other people so helpless? I'm sure that if you stuck them in a kitchen, they would look around the cupboards until they found the plates and the glasses and food and stuff. Using a computer program is just the same way. Most of the time you can find what you're looking for just by checking on some likely looking prospects. A healthy sense of curiousity will get you far. They didn't set it up to be deliberately painful, just like a kitchen isn't set up to be inefficient and hard to understand. It just wouldn't make sense and would get in the way of the people who do use it regularly enough to understand where everything is. You know? Okay, thus endeth the rantlet.
Well, only two more weeks till classes resume. Silly school, trying to make me think.