Well, at least the weather cooled down by a good ten or fifteen degrees. I can actually wear pants now without melting. As a matter of fact, it got downright chilly last night.
The frantic working of the last minute is currently in full swing! Yay for procrastination. Boo finals! At least the year is almost done. I'm not sure I want to go home, though. I went home this weekend after being at school for two weeks straight. It was... odd. First of all, we are redoing the living room, and they got rid of the couch while I was gone. So I had to sleep on the floor. But I got a haircut, which was nice, and I got to see val, which was great! I guess I'm looking forward to summer, cause I'll get to see all my friends who went to school in far-away, barbaric type places. Of course, I'll be stuck with just a dial-up, but I'll have T1 access at work.
Oh, boy! We'll get to play shadowrun all night and get wired in the biblical sense! And we can play Mechwarrior until our heads explode! *poing!* Oh, and D&D 3 is out, so we can try that. We're gonna have a blast this summer! *grin*
I have to work tomorrow, even though there are no more classes. It makes me saaaaaad. It means I can't stay up all night reading Storm of the Century *cough!* playing Counterstrike *cough!* Hi, Tyr! *innocent whistling*
Infinite Fish is still with us, kind of... all the backgrounds went away. If you want them, you gotta pay, or something. As soon as money was mentioned, I became disinterested.
Well, its Simpsons time, bye!
Update: Infinite Fish's textures are alive and well, I was mistaken previously. You can see them on and around here. :)