One of the most embarassing things I have recently experienced is trying to find the door handle in an unfamiliar car in the dark, while an entire car load of other people wait for me to get out. I thought I would share that with all of you out there in internet-land (all three of you).

Memorial Day weekend was fun, I sanded and painted and washed windows... and I got to see Val! Yay!

Our soon-to-be-traditional monday session went well, it only took two hours for us to get into character. And we did our thing and caught the bad guy. Yay for obscene amounts of telekinesis. Plus we finished off somewhere over 25 cans of coke.

After playing Aberrant and eating pizza, Quietus and I went and played basketball. Boy, was that a mistake. First of all, I had underestimated my lack of coordination and extreme clumsiness... even so, I did pretty well, considering who else was playing. At least now I know that I still can't lay up, that fact hasn't changed since eighth grade gym class (the last time I played basketball). Also, the pizza decided that it was not happy in its current location, and tried repeatedly to convince me that a move was in order. I felt pretty sick for the rest of night. But, I feel fine this morning! (afternoon, now) So, all is well in me-land.

SotD: Beautiful Day, by U2