I am leaving tomorrow morning (early morning, yuck) with my family to go to Utah to visit my aunt and uncle and cousins. *crosses fingers* I will not forget my CD's on the plane. I will not forget my CD's on the plane. *ahem* Anyway, should be lots of fun. I look forward to wishing that I would just explode and get it done with on Thursday :).
I drove the red van up to school last night, so that I would be able to drive home tonight to pack for the trip. I do not have a parking permit, so I parked in a student lot and promised myself I would get up early to go park in the (frickin expensive) garage. Then I proceded to set my computer to wake me up at 9:30 (I have class at 10, getting up at 9:30 does not constitute "early"). However, I had already taken my contacts out when I did so. It turns out that I had not actually set the alarm for 9:30, because numlock was off from playing dungeon crawl. So, the alarm was still set for 8:30 (when I have to get up on Fridays). Which is good, because it gave me a chance to park the car in the garage and eat breakfast before class. I was really tired at first and really, really considered just going back to bed and skipping my first two classes, but then I remembered that I had to move the car. So, the car is now in the garage... it had better not cost more than nine dollars to get it back out, because thats all I have, and I doubt they'll take a personal check, you know?
DJ'ed the Teen Leadership Conference dance on Saturday night with Jill, because Ed was in Mass doing Nat'l Guard drill. There were lots of people. They all danced. It was great, we kicked ass. Decided to stop at the Gold Roc on the way home, just like last year. And, just like last year, we missed the exit ramp, had to take the next one and turn around. So, in case I forget again, the exit number is 44. Got that? exit 44 in both directions off of I-84. *nods emphatically*
Demon is cool. Nate coming back east for winter break is also cool. Put the two together... and, well, our conclusion is that the Fay are going to be involved. *grin*
Ben wins my respect and devotion for being the frickin Imperator of Procrastination. Damn. I have so much to learn. Plus feeding my webcomic archive habit. I have track marks from clicking 'next' so much. :)
Dvorak died. I took the little pieces of index card that I had taped to my keyboard off last night. Most of them had faded into invisibility anyway, so they weren't doing much good. I also realized that the best way to make my fingers connect letters to location is not by looking at the keyboard while I type, but instead (at least, this is my current theory) looking at a reproduction of what the keyboard looks like while I type. That way I still have to think about where I'm putting my fingers, instead of just aiming at that key. Did that make any sense? Prolly not. *shrug* I need to make a picture of a Dvorak keyboard and put it next to my monitor or something. I think. But not right now. Ten more minutes of work, then get the car, pack up the computer, grab my clothes and go home. To sleep, hopefully, I'm tired. Second hopefully is to read instead, but I'm willing to bet that I get roped into doing something around the house so that it "isn't a mess when we get back." Blah, blah, blah.
Andr00 may have pulled out for Lowell LAN on Saturday, but Mundo and Nik are still down to go boogy w/ E=MC2 and Brian. Should be fun. I predict an amount of CS and my efforts to convert them to a Battlefield 1942 clan to be futile. But fun. BF is the shit. Plus I have to trounce Mundo's sorry ass at Warcraft 3 to prove, once and for all, my complete superiority and domination. *grin* D'ya hear that, Mundo? Your ass and my foot have an appointment on Saturday. Anyway, enough trash talk.
That is all.