Yay move in. The apartment is muy cool. And it will be even more cool once everyone finishes moving in. If you are anywhere in the area over Labour Day Weekend, please stop in, we're trying to get a continuous party going *grin*.

In other news, this MSBlaster virus is going to make the first couple weeks of move in just about akin to the 17th frickin' circle... should be fun stuff. By the way, if you're reading this and about to move to a universty and you are running Windows 2000 or Windows XP, do your tech staff a favour and patch your DCOM vulnerability (go to windows update). This goes double if you're coming to Uconn. Otherwise you will become infected and windows will become even less stable and that will make you sad.

Going to see Counting Crows tonight at the Meadows with Val, I'm pretty excited. The concerts that I've gone to so far this summer have been really good and I'm hoping to continue that trend. Flip Ya For Real was fantastic, and hopefully I will get to see them again soon when I can dance instead of limp. Train was phenomonal, even if there were a disproportional amount of old people in the audience. That was scary, let me tell you.

Oh! Ed might be getting home in early December. How awesome is that? Of course, the Army could be taking the piss, or something might happen in the meantime. But hopefully he'll be home soon.

So, uh, yeah, there it is. My first update of the school year. Expect more on a semi-sorta-regularly scheduled weekly-ish basis. Yup. It's almost like a livejournal, except without the comments and the stuff, and you know, that other thing. *shrug* I don't know what I'm talking about, either.

That is all.