Hello to everyone out there in radio land. You'll be happy to know that my thumb is fine and I can type with my usual lack of skill now.
And I'm not really doing much else right now, just listening to Three Doors Down and thinking about going to bed. Played some volleyball over the past week, it was lots of fun. Not much more time left to do that before the semester is over (boo finals!)
It got up to at least 86 degrees today, that is so awesome! I'm gonna have to start making more pairs of shorts so I can survive. I have decided to purchase another eighteen inch fan to put next to the one we have currently. Face one out and one in, and hey presto! instant wind tunnel / dorm room!
I got to go to a political rally / drunken party on saturday... it was fun. Politicians express heated opinions when they're drunk. They were all agreeing, but the opinions were heated nonetheless. Anyway, now I'm torn between voting for Bryan, cause he's cool, or voting for James Brandt and Lynn Swezey, because they kicked butt at beer pong. Nah, I'll vote for Bryan anyway. But good luck to James and Lynn! *grin*