Welcome to Ricoville!

This is a promotional web site paid for and maintained by The Rikettes, a non-profit bunch of groupies.  All proceeds are directed toward further research on the mystery of Rico Suave.

A new feature for all my fans.  An audio clip that may mean nothing, may mean something, but usually just means I was drunk and liked a particular tune.

This is me in front of my car. 

This is one of my cats drinking out of the pond in my backyard.

My cats love to catch birds.  They catch chickadees, sparrows, and finches.  They've never caught any martins.

This is my house.

My pond is behind the house.  If you look closely through the picture window, you can see out a window into the backyard.  But you still can't see the pond.

This is an artist's rendering of how my house will look after I get a new roof.


A company I used to own.  Won a some awards, made some money (it's all gone now).  I did revolutionize the way screwdrivers are displayed (right, that'll look good in my obit).  Click the logo to see how I did that.

My alma mater.  Click the golden dome to see the web site of a great school with a terrible football team.

The three companies I work for.  They all rock, and I am eternally loyal to each.

This is a company I used to work for.  Greatest company in the world.  Why did I quit?  Well, remember the old moon and stars logo?  All the rumors were true.

Another company I used to own.

Yes, I am a proud MCP.  That and $2.95 will get me a cup of Starbucks.  But I will be MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) very soon.

E-mail me at Mike@JustUsFive.com