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The Graphics Source
     The text portion will be dealing mainly with this toolbar:

menu and toolbar

To add text: Click the text button on the toolbar. (You can also select Insert on the menu, then Basics, then Text.) A text box will pop up:

Also, the lower section of the toolbar will become active to use for formatting text. You can type in any text you want. Once it is typed, you can move the text box around to place it in the desired spot on the page. You can also enlarge the box or make it smaller. If, at any time, you accidentally click outside the text box, and want to re-edit the text, you can double-click on the box to edit again.

Here's a label of what the toolbar buttons relating to text do:

If you highlight the text, you can use the buttons to change different aspects about it. Most are self explainatory, but here is a brief rundown:

  • Font Style - This allows you to select the style or "face" of the text. If you leave it alone, it will select whatever the default text style is for the browser (for some browsers this will be "Times New Roman".) If you want a specific style that will override the browser default, then click on the arrow on the pulldown box, and select the style of text you wish to use.

  • Font Size - This will let you set how large or small your text will appear. As with the style, just click the arrow and use the pulldown box to select a size.

  • Alignment - The next six buttons deal with how the text is aligned within the text box. You can set both the horizonal (left, center, or right) and the vertical (top, middle, or bottom) alignment of your text.

  • Bold - This makes your text bold.

  • Italic - This makes your text italicized.

  • Underline - This underlines your text.

  • Text Color - This lets you choose the color your text will be. You'll see a box pop up like this:
    text colors

    You can either select a color directly, or type in the Red/Green/Blue values if you know them. Once you select a color, if it's not the exact shade you are looking for, you can experiment with either the numbers or slide bars next to Red Green and Blue to get the precise shade you want. Click OK when you're done.

  • Fill Color - This affects the background color of the text box, but not the whole background of the page. This might come in handy if you want to "highlight" certain text on the page. The box that comes up will look similar with one exception:
    text colors

    There's an extra "color" below the grid of other colors. It looks like a checkerboard design. Choosing this makes the background of the text box transparent, meaning no color at all. This is always chosen by default, because you usually want your text to not have a block of color around it. Click OK when you're done.

  • Text Clipboard - This button brings up a box to copy your text so you can paste it later on. Apparently, the reason for this seemingly pointless feature is that you cannot control+c to copy and control+v to paste into PageBuilder's regular text box. So, if you're bringing text in from another word editor (i.e. Microsoft Word/Office, WordPerfect, NotePad, etc.) you can control+c to copy it in that program. Then you hit the text clipboard button to bring up the box. Hit control+v to paste your imported text into the box. Then hit the "paste" button in this box to bring it back to your text box. Honestly, this is the most annoying thing in the world! But, if you're going to be bringing in a lot of text from another editor (like if you write peoms and want to put some on your web site) then you will have to be doing these extra steps a lot. No way around it.

Text Links

     Now that you've learned how to make text, and how change it's appearance, we'll go over how to make links.

     First you'll need to type some text and highlight the portion you are turning into a link. Next, click on the "Link" button on the toolbar. That will bring up this box:
link box

If you leave this as it is, you can just type a complete web address into the box next to where it says "Web URL". (Complete meaning like this: Click OK when you are done.

     You can also link to other things. There's a pulldown box where it says "Web URL":
link box

If you want someone to click on text to email you, pull down the box to select "E-mail", type your email address in the box and click OK. If you are linking to another page on the site, pull down the box to "My Page", click the "Choose..." button, and select the page you want to link to, and click OK. You can also do similar for a file on your site, by selecting "My File", again clicking the "Choose..." button, selecting the file and clicking OK.
Page and graphics design and content © Copyright 1998-2005 Lyn Knarr.

Webmaster was a Yahoo! GeoCities Community Leader in the neighborhood of Hollywood, although the program is not really active anymore. Please email me at if you need help with your homepage, or Yahoo! GeoCities in general.

Most graphics and headers were made using Paint Shop Pro. Please do not take any images off these pages without my permission. If you are looking for a logo or header for your own website, use the request form at Graphics Source.

Yahoo! GeoCities