I have decided to stop maintaining this webpage.  It requires too much effort for little payoff, meaning probably less than three people will see this page in the next year.  I will keep the other contents of the page, which are still below.  I have moved my website, something for everything.  It will be located on a WebHostMe.com account.  Try it out, they give you more space than geocities, and you get to choose your address name (sort of).  The only thing is, you have to have a HTML editor (ex Microsoft Front Page), or write your own script.  My page will be coming soon, it is under construction as of

Date and Time

Check back here for updates, and the address when it is released (scheduled for 01/01/00).  For now go ahead and sign my guestbook.


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(You can also read it by clicking there)




If you came here for "80's child" (or you are curious to what this is), click here.


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Thanks for visiting.

Contact me at dfm626@yahoo.com