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Plain cottons £612, coloured do. £326, printed do. £1,847, woollens and worsteds £2,090, flannels £401, linen in bales £274, do. in cases £425, cotton and woollens £1,174, muslins £178, silk and woollens £332, silk and cotton £56, silk and velvet £329, ribbons £169, shawls and mantles £13, millinery £623, hosiery £743, sewing-thread £59, haberdashery £3,466, parasols £72, apparel £1,170, blankets £270, carpets and rugs £466, bedcovers and counterpanes £48, straw hats £636, felt do. £895, wrought leather £793, floorcloth £13, table baize £16, sewing machines £354, rail and general machinery £1, 406, books £349, paper 68cwt., stationery £15, upholstery £15, tinware £12, brush ware, £21, plated and papier-machie goods £40, toys £27, firearms £44, clocks and watches £138, perfumery £11, tobacco pipes 1 case, lead shot 6 tons, hardware cutlery £1, 393, hoop iron 8 tons, sheet iron 2 tons, plate do. 5 tons, galvanized do. 18 tons, wire and wire rope 18 tons, linseed 750 galls., paint £108, pitch and tar 60 brls., china and earthenware £88, glass bottles £105, woolpacks £336, cornsacks £377, bran and flour bags £108, canvas £180, cordage £383, lines and twines £61, cement 200 brls., British spirits in case 54 galls., white wine 156 do., beer in glass £22, oilmen’s stores £139, vinegar 1,250 galls., chicory 20 cwt., white salt 25 tons, soap 5 cwt., ginger 17 cwt., apothecary ware £550.