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Chris Hemsworth's
Photos from my Working Holiday
in Melbourne Australia
The Yarra Valley Winery Trip, 15 May 99
This is at the start of the winery trip,
the hopeful contestants wait patiently
for the wine guzzling contest to commence.
Manchester Utd v Socceroos, 15 Jul 99
There was a firework display before the match,
most of the action and excitement occurred here.
Manchester Utd v Socceroos, 15 Jul 99
Some of the lads that turned up to watch the match,
from the left Craig, myself, Paul, Rich and Steve.
Manchester Utd v Socceroos, 15 Jul 99
The players on the pitch and the Mexican Wave,
which always stopped when it reached the
grandstand in the top left (the posh seats).
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