Roy Daniel's Personal WebRing for Anybody in The World

This is my new WebRing for the web

You are visitor number:
Dear Friends ...
Before you join this WebRing, please read carefully this rules for this WebRing :
1. Please No adults xxx or anything website to join this WebRing because this WebRing for anybody for different old and the child may be open too.
2. This WebRing for Personal Homepage to look and get new friends to another country. Please insert right URL Homepage and E-mail Address.
3. Please insert logo HTML This WebRing if you want to join it. ( still created ...) and I know you are join my WebRing.

Roy Daniel

Msie4 If you ask question or suggestion, please e-mail me at:

Webmaster(System Administrator) design by Roy Daniel

[Daniel Art Web Design] 1998-2000