Venado Graphics logo Brainbench Certified Web Programmer logo
Home page link button Venado Graphics staff has been trained in the latest software and web design techniques.
Services page link button Susan Hoffman, Venado Graphics' chief designer, has been trained in the Certified Internet Webmaster program and through the ZDUniversity (SmartPlanet) online school. She has a degree in Art and had years of experience in advertising before entering the field of web design.
Pricing page link button Susan is Certified as a Web Programmer by, ranking in the top 10% in the state of Pennsylvania, as well as having Brainbench certification for High IT Aptitude.
Send e-mail to Venado Graphics Susan has had advanced training in the following topics: HTML (hand-coding), DHTML, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Pagemaker, Adobe Pagemill, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Microsoft FrontPage, Net Objects Fusion, Allaire HomePage, Paint Shop Pro, CSS, XML.
    The design philosophy of Venado Graphics:

Anyone can create a web page with the wide array of software that is available today, but it takes a creative eye and good business sense to create a website that works for you. We don't believe in overloading a page with unnecessary graphics, banners that spin and flash, or applets that whirl and change colors if they don't contribute measurably to the value of your web page to the users you want to attract. Your users have limited patience: they will not wait for a bulky page to download, and they will not return unless your web page gives them a reason to come back.

Users today want, above all, useful content. Animated graphics and special effects are fine for a first visit, but to keep them coming back you need to give them the information, the products and the value they seek. Our years of experience in the business world will help you shape a web site that works for you!

    Experience counts!

Venado Graphics has designed sites for several commercial and non-profit organizations. Visit our Services page to see samples of some of the sites we've designed from scratch. We also provide maintenance and redesign for websites that were created by others, making them more functional and attractive. But don't just take our word for it: contact some of our customers to see what they thought of our work! Click on the links below to contact our clients via e-mail:

Ceiba Tree
J & L Remodeling
Middle America Travel
Jorgensen's Café

    And just so you know that we can do fancy animations, Java script and Java applets if you want them .... click below to get a sample of what we can do!  
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