P.O. BOX 2112
Elections were held on 16 Nov 96.Congratulations to our new Vice President, Roger Nicol and our new Secretary, Alex Semiglasow.
Fellow members, sorry for the delay in sending this letter out but I’ve been experiencing some computer problems and, additionally, I’ve been checking on what the format for the letter has been. My computer is now cooperating with me and I will use this format unless I hear otherwise from the majority of you members. Please feel free to advise me if you would like to see the format changed or any other item included in the letter. I will do my darndest to include any items suggested.
During the November 16 meeting, the election was held and additionally, a Resume Workshop was hosted by Bob Green with inputs from those in attendance. I know personally that folks in attendance from Andrews AFB were quite pleased with the items presented and the leaflets which were distributed. Since I’m in the job hunting market, I can truthfully say that I gleaned some extremely helpful information to make changes to my resume.
During the November 16th meeting, TSCA’s outgoing president and long-time member, John Glessner was voted in by the members in attendance for Lifetime Membership to TSCA. Thanks John for all your efforts on behalf of TSCA.
Our President, Bob Green, sent out a letter to all informing you of the initiatives being taken by TSCA. We are still looking into the possibility of adding an “Employment/Job Listing” folder to the TSCA Homepage. As we get closer to realization, I will send information to all. Many of our “civilian” members have stated that quite a few of the commercial contractors have heard of TSCA and would welcome an opportunity to access our Homepage and possibly find a prospective employee.
It’s been mentioned at the couple of meetings I’ve attended since joining up that many of our members and prospective members tend to think of TSCA as a means of finding employment. Although this has some bearing, there are many of us who are already gainfully employed but look forward to getting together as a fraternity of Communicators. To this end, we are proposing getting together the 3rd Friday in January at the Bolling AFB DC Enlisted Club, at noon, for an unofficial meeting. This will not be an official gathering but a means of just getting together as fellow Communicators. Hope to see as many of you as possible.
My first duty upon election as Secretary was to keep up with the TSCA membership database. Unfortunately, rather than gaining more members to our association, I was tasked to add more names to the ever-growing listing of Missing in Action (MIA) memberships. We are in no way trying to hunt anyone down but would like to stay in touch with past members. From a pure financial standpoint, it costs the association stamps, envelopes, and paper to send MIAs our letter only to have it returned. I solicit your assistance in providing me, either through my E-mail address ( or to the TSCA address if you have any information on any of our MIA members. (See listed MIA names towards the end of this letter).
Croughton has changed quite a bit with the installation of an IDNX 90 (and more IDNX’s on the way!). It helped reduce the old GSC-24 satty muxes and the FCC-98 lower level muxes. The old VFCT’s have been replaced by the FCC-100’s (thank goodness!) and we put down some new carpet! The AT&T DACS is still running smoothly. HQ is trying to downsize Air Force Tech Controllers and Widebanders by contracting out the sites. RAF Uxbridge Tech Control and their Wideband are being run by ITT contractors, and they are looking into contracting out RAF Mildenhall in the near future. If some of the old timers came back to England and plan to use the military facilities, they will be surprised by how few there are now. RAF Chicksands, RAF Bentwaters and RAF Upper Heyford all have been closed as well as RAF Alconbury Tech Control. On a good note, Croughton has been built up now with its own Commisary and Base Exchange.
The following schedule for 1997 is provided for your information. Please make an honest effort to come and make the TSCA a viable organization.
Mar 15th, 10 a.m., Annual Meeting, location (TBD-possibly Metro Fiber Systems)
Jun 21st, 10 a.m., Picnic, location TBD
Sep 20th, 10 a.m., Quarterly Meeting, location TBD
Nov 15th, 10 a.m., Elections, location TBD
***To meet at one of the Washington area contractor’s facilities and to have them host the meeting, we need to be able to have a showing of at least 12 - 15 members, preferably more. These meetings are scheduled during their normal non-duty hours and, therefore, an expense to them along with an inconvenience to them if a poor showing is had.
Now that the association has access to the internet, we can tap into employment sources.Some of you do not have access to the internet, but do have access to e-mail.
We will start looking on the internet for jobs that might interest our members. If youare looking for a certain type of job such as LAN Manager or Network Manager, let us know.You know what you want to do for the rest of your working life.
We will try to search the internet and see what we come up with. We can copy from an internet job listing into an e-mail message and send it to you.
We are still getting job opening information in. Remember, if you are looking for work or you know of someone who is hiring, keep us in the loop. We would like to be a source of help to both sides. If you have taken a job and turned anyone else down, pass their name along to us so we can help them fill the vacancy.
MCI is looking to fill about 50 positions this year with Tech Controllers with between 3 and 6 years of experience.These positions include Data Communications Engineers $35K and Network Surveillance Engineers $28K. Anyone interested should contact Robin Rowan at 919-677-4999. Mention that you heard about the openings from the TSCA and that you are a Tech Controller.
ARINC is looking for people with protocol experience. If you have at least three of the following skills; X.25, X.400,X.500,Frame Relay, ATM, FRADS,PADS, TCP/IP, SDLC/SNA, EDI or HP Openview. Please contactJohn Glessner at 1-800-482-0004.
LCI in Dublin, Ohio, islooking for about 6 positions for stallation/maintenance. Salary in the $30K range.Point of contact at LCI is Terry Grezlik, 800-286-7515.
AeroTek is really beating our doors at Andrews looking for people throughout the country with Tech Control and DMS-100/200 experience. AddDS-0, DS-1, S-3 experience tothat also. For further info,contact alex semiglasow Phone:301-981-6778 during the day where I'll have ready access to the number and POC for the job openings.
Octel Corp. in Philadelphia is hiring tech controllers in the Phila. and NYC area. Starting salary is 30K +(depending on experience). Octel is a voice mail company. Experience:T-1 and Analog/Digital experience. POC : Mike Barton 215-563-2844
The Association's membership list is confidential and is mailed to our members.