SiliconValley is one of the 41 unique neighborhoods located here in
is a neighborhood of Computer and Technology - It is the largest and
fastest growing neighborhood located here in Yahoo!.GeoCities.
The homesteaders build their pages dealing with Hardware, Software, Operating
Systems, Programming, Graphic Design, Web Page Design and Help, and really just
about anything dealing with the Computer and Technology fields of today.
There are 39 suburbs within this great neighborhood. It's Homesteaders are active in many
committees, they share their similar interests, their ideas, their opinions, and their
It's a neighborhood that holds forums, has chat, it's a place where people can express
themselves and interact with others.
GeoCities was founded by a man called David Bohnett, on January 18, 1995,
he originally created GeoCities as a break-off of his main company, Beverly
Hills Internet (BHI)
was a custom web design company that offered interactive advertising for the
World Wide Web.
Today, it no longer exists as such, but has
grown into a mega-provider of free personal
home pages. It started slow, but gained
momentum as people from around the world
discovered the unique opportunities awaiting
them on their own GeoCities homepage.
SiliconValley became a neighborhood in GeoCities on August
7, 1995, and was the ninth neighborhood to be added to what is now 41 neighborhoods
SiliconValley is comprised of one Community Leader Liaison
- Rick and two Assistant
Community Leader Liaisons - Karen
and Kathi, there are also twelve
Community Leader Co-Liaisons and sixty-eight Community Leaders. There are
also fifteen teams, some of which homesteaders can be a member. Making
this a wonderful place to belong.
Copyright © 1999 SiliconValley Community Leaders. All rights reserved.