Home About me The Maxima

Hello, and welcome to my new and revamped web page!!! It's incredible i've finally redone it... it's been the same forever! been like years now... but no more! wooohoo! ok... so anyways... about this page...

Not much to be said. I didn't really have much to talk about before, so the page was pretty plain. Seemingly, this hasn't changed. :) hehe No worries though, this page will have more content than ever before :) hehe I plan on adding information on Nissan Maximas. Hopefully as much as possible. Something handy to have wouldn't you think?

I've been delving into the land of electronics recently. It's much fun. I used to play around with this stuff like crazy when i was young. I stopped for a while, but it's coming back to me now. I will post information on projects i'll be working on, and simple circuits, as i figure them out. :D

For now, read on about the maxima i purchased. I will add pics of it as soon as i can.

Any comments, questions, welcomed :)

Images of car stuff... **WARNING LARGE FILE**

December 6th, 2002
Well it's december 6th 2002 and nothing new so far. I've been busy at work. What else? uhm i got a few new things for my Maxima, as well as a few problems. (clutch, starter) Other than that, it's runnin good.

I've been writing lyrics lately... nothing special just decided to. I've always enjoyed writing stuff like that, and now i'm just doing it more actively. I guess it's another hobby added to my long list of hobbies :D hehe Oh I also play alot of natural selection... www.natural-selection.org. VERY fun game. Anyway, i'm going home... haha ciao. Frank Note: Another webpage More Maxima Pictures...



Check out the Maxima forums, a great place to learn about Nissan Maximas.

Nope, no updates for a while longer :( no time... sorry guys! 2004-01-25
