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Editor's Note: February 11, 2000

Cell-phone Ban: NO!

I just picked up my local paper, the Daily Herald, and flipped through to the Business section and noticed there was an article on the front page about cell-phone bans. Apparently, a Pennsylvanian lady, Patricia Pena, is going on a nationwide crusade against the use of cell phones on the road. I would now like to offer my response to this.

I know a lot about cell phones. I sell them, I use them. I see no problem with using them in my car. What if I get stranded on the road and have to call for a ride? What happens if I'm driving down the highway and get lost on the way to someplace I've never been before? Instead of pulling to the side of the road to use my cell phone, or wasting even more time by finding the nearest pay-phone, I should be able to just pick up the phone and call. Now, I would like to say that I use my phone responsibly. I have recently purchased a hands-free kit so I can keep both hands on the wheel as I drive. Apparently, this hands-free kit is not enough for Patricia. She believes it is evil for anyone to use a cell phone while driving. Now, Samsung has recently come out with a phone that requires virtually no hands at all. Coupled with the hands-free kit, you just flip open the top, and it will ask you who you want to call. You just say the name of the person you want to call, and that's it. How ingenious!

Lastly, I would like to say that using a cell phone is no different than smoking in the car, or listening to the radio. Theoretically, if I'm in the car, smoking a cigarette, that could be considered a "distraction." Or if I'm listening to the radio, and going to change the station, that could be considered a "distraction" too. So Patricia, let me ask you a question, are you going to crusade against radio's in cars too?

I refer you to these sites:

Please write me with your comments on this matter.


Joe Cosentino

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