Information Nation
Editor's Note: March 23, 2000
When Does Free Speech Turn into Hate Speech?
Today I was flipping through the channels on TV and stopped
on CNN. Today Suzanne Walters was having a debate with Robert
Knight about Free Speech vs. Hate Speech.
First this lady was spewing about how hate speech is wrong.
Then she goes out of her way to insult Dr. Laura
saying she promotes hate speech on her talk show. This outraged
many of the audience members and even some phone-in callers.
Robert Knight then asks her what the connection is and she
*sarcastically* replies, "You want me to paint you a
How does someone who is supposed to be promoting Free Speech
and not hate speech have the balls to say something like this?
After that she says something about some guy who "doesn't
actually call black people 'niggers' out in the open, but
that's how he refers to them." At the end of the interview
she says, "I can't understand how people can spew so much
hate towards people. Those people shouldn't be afforded the
right to live in this country." Hello! What did you just say
about Dr. Laura? That's an example of hate speech. See you
on my trip to Casamel.
I would really like your opinion back on this...please drop
me a line.
Joe Cosentino