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Editor's Note: April 22, 2000

Elian Gonzalez

First off I would like to say that it's about damn time that this happened. The relatives weren't going to do anything about it, they in essence forced the government to do this. They held a person in their house that does not have any type of United States citizenship (1 law broken). They refused to turn him [Elian] over to federal officials (2 laws broken). Then that fucking bitch-of-a cousin has gone on nothing but a sympathy trip for herself and her so-called "stress anxiety" which could have been put out of the way if they had complied with the law in the first place.

They (the stupid-ass relatives) go on to say that they know more about what is better for Elian than his own father does! Joke. On camera today the bitch-ass cousin is saying, "when they came into the house they were screaming 'give us the boy or we'll shoot', and I'm like 'just put the guns away so he doesn't have to see this'". First off, if you hadn't been a coniving bitch in the first place, the INS woudn't have to have gone into your house. Second, who in their right mind is going to shoot a 6-year old "celebrity"? Think about it.

THE BOY BELONGS WITH HIS FATHER!!! Also, the media is saying he can plead for political asylum. A 6 year old does not know what is best for him...his father does. That is why he is considered a minor. Yes, I'm sure you all of heard that word before. Minor. Can you say it with me? I know you can....

And for all of you people who disagree with what I'm saying, that's your opinion. Of course, it's also my opinion to say that you've got your heads in your asses and won't open your fucking eyes to see what's really happening in the world today. Elian, his father, and his relatives have gone through a major publicity scene all thanks to me, you, and the rest of the taxpayers out there. Send him home already for Christ's sake!

Please write me with your comments on this matter.


Joe Cosentino

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