FractMus - Fractal Music Composition Software

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At Last!!! The Source code is finally available under the GPL license for anyone wishing to use it

Get it here

If you decide to extend/modify FractMus or build a new program using FractMus' source code PLEASE let me know (email below)

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Get Fractal Sounds - Volume 1, a CD replete with aural representations of mathematical processes, including chaos (logistic map), strange attractors (Henon, Hopalong, Martin, Gingerbread Man, Mira...), number theory (number line, prime numbers, 3x+1 numbers...), fractals, noise spectra, etc. Contains over 54 minutes of fractal music. See a detailed description of the included compositions here


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© 1997-2008 by Gustavo Diaz-Jerez, last updated: October 15, 2008.