Hello There!

Is very easy to say thanks!
... but
feel it ...
is one of the
hardest thing the man can do in his life ...

Joaquín De Lara Martínez

Thanks to Morelia City for his wonderfull beauty
for his people and for being a place that can be named:

To my Parents for every support and my
brothers for his
courage to life

To Gina beautyfull mother, perfect compainion, beloved wife and great women
(For you and our son´s love, every day is a unbelieve experience, I love you! :*)

To Joaquín Jr. the love, pure inspiration and motivation of my life
(I really love you as you can´t imagine, my sweet baby)

To all of you who directly or indirectly has been a part of this little show
I called life, all of you
made me who I am.

And finally and most important to God (yeah, the Big One) for
everything I received from Him all my life.


To all of you... deeper from my heart...

Thank you so much!