Another dirty hack now for Progeny (Debian based distibution)
Tested on sony c1xs with apa1460 and scsi cdrom with some trouble on second stage because of 1024x480 screen so you have to move windows around. Just in case here XF86Config-4 i used
grab everything from here

Now it works with RedHat 7.1
grab everything from here

Now it works with RedHat 6.0 ! Thanks to Jeremy Elson
grab everything from here

Now you can install Mandrake 6.0 ! Thanks for Instruction to Scott F. Johnston
Since stage 1 of Redhat install is all about getting to the data, RedHat and Mandrake do the same thing. The stage two install was Mandrake all the way! There is one problem: The RH6.0 kernel that's running FAIL TO PROPERLY INSTALL LILO! This means that the mbr of the disk gets trashed. Please warn users to skip this step, or be prepared to recover from this. To recover, I used the libretto "companion" disk to boot, and ran: fdisk /mbr to reset the master boot record of hda. Then I could reboot into the windows partition. Then I grabbed loadlin.exe, the Mandrake vmlinuz-2.2.9-19.mdk image and ran: loadlin vmlinuz root=/dev/hda3 (Which was where I'd installed mandrake) When this booted, I was able to create a /etc/lilo.conf by hand and /sbin/lilo it into place. Now it runs just fine.
Now it works with Mandrake 5.3 (KDE + RH5.2)!
grab initmndr.gz

Now it works with RedHat 5.1 and 5.2!

For RedHat 5.2

grab initrd52.gz

For RedHat 5.1

grab init51_2.gz

Now it works with SuSE 5.2 and 5.3 and 6.0

for SuSE 6.0( by Wolfgang Platzer) download fsfile60.gz

for SuSE 5.3 download fsfile53.gz

for SuSE download fsfile.gz

For RedHat 5.0

grab initrd.gz

Copy loadlin.exe and vmlinuz from your's CD on to your HD

start libretto in dos mode
connect your pcmcia cdrom or network card or scsi with hd and type
loadlin vmlinuz initrd=initrd.gz
If you lucky it will work. Have fun ;-) It worked for me with Panasonic KXL 740 .

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