Timothy's Photo Gallery

Timothy's life in picture..

Welcome to the photo gallery of Timothy fellowship!

Timothy Fellowship's big gathering @ Palo Alto (Fall 97)

96Christmas Carol's last stop; Brother Martin's Home @ Fremonet

Martin's Birthday Celebration @ Timothy's place @ chruch (9/97)

Timothies with counselor Julie Chen and Pastor's wife Nancy Yu in front of our church (9/15/96)

Retreat 96 with our speaker Ernest Waldvogel

Grace Cathedral, S.F. John, Sophia, and David C.

It's a really big cathedral, recalling Notre Dame?

Timothy trip on Academy of Science, S.F. @ center courtyard fountain

In front of the Acadmey of Science

Winter Retreat 97-98 w/ our sister Catherine

Winter Retreat w/ our Counselor Julie and her family.

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