Clown2.jpg (55354 bytes)


This picture was taken, in
Vancouver British Columbia
July 2000. Taken during the
reception of my uncles wedding, which was held at
a posh country/golf-club in
the mountainous landscape of

Clown1.jpg (97664 bytes)

I cannot remember when, but
this picture was definately
taken at the infamous Bermuda
Triangle, back when the geeks
used to go there, and hey
they had wet t-shirt and wet
boxer competitions every
wednesday with a purse to take
home! Nikki is pointing to, i
dont know what and obviously
I'm looking. This picture was
taken by Tricia. Wes and Leanne,
also in the background.

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Yes, this is me and my "rifle" in
basic training, i'm not too sure how
far in it is but it's definately
past the three week mark, and
shouldnt be too far past that since
the novelty of having a weapon wore
off... eventuallly.

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St. Jean
Quebec! First
leave after
4 weeks of the
Mega, yeah you
guessed it we
went out and
got shitfaced
Enns, Burns
myself in the
picture. (I think
Ens and Burns
are fond of
bottles.) Enns
Burns Blowing

I belive those
are Stan's legs