
Welcome to my den...

Almost four years ago, I hosted my first homepage on GeoCities, Utopia, which retired last summer to make way for this new website. It took me about two months (cuz I didn't have a lot of spare time) to do a thorough make-over but it was worth the time and the effort. Designing webpages gives me great satisfaction, and I see it as a medium of expression- an art form, if you will. I first learnt HTML coding back in the early days of the Internet (around 1995) and I still find it very interesting. Presently, I design commercial websites and I hope to set up my own web solutions company (Ansoft Inc.) in the near future.

I hope you find this site informative and pleasing to the eye. And please spare a moment and sign the guestbook before you leave. If there's anything you'd like to say or know, feel free to contact me. And keep coming back to check for updates and my e-zine WHAT'S HOT which will make its debut shortly! (F1 lovers: An entire section of the e-zine will be dedicated to Formula1!!).

Have a nice day..
- AJ aka The Hitman

The Hitman

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Last updated: June 18, 2001