Planet Ethos

Welcome to Planet Ethos. Here I will put my current and past projects. I will include the source code if I can find it.

Current Projects:
None at the moment.

Yahoo Pager Hacker(only old versions)
Dopewarz Hacker(older dos version of Dopewarz)

Note: Comments in the source code are sparse. Most of these were written in Borland C++ 3.1.
Some only work with the Borland C++ DOS compiler.

Aoecode.c - Lists the location and encrypted form of all the Age Of Empires 2 codes. I intended to have it restore the codes to their original form.
Arrowkey.c - Shows the code for arrow keys in DOS which is in the form of 00xx where the xx is a number.
B64dcdbk.c - Older version of the program below.
B64Decod.c - A base64 decoder. I originally made it to decode yahoo pager passwords which were base64 encoded.
Beep.c - Originally made to beep alot of times to annoy the Comp Sci substitutes I had in high-school. Now it shows the difference in time in secs after a delay of 2 secs.
Bin2dec.c - A function to convert binary to decimal. Not written by me.
Binary.c - Takes a 4 digit binary number(ex. 1010) and converts it to Hexadecimal.
Bios_Award.c - Bios password tools. Not written by me.
Bios_Sc.c - See Bios_Award.c
Bios_Strings.c - See Bios_Award.c
Browse.c - Browse the current proccesses that are running in windows.
Brute.c - One of my first programs to see if I could make a fake brute forcer.
Bytechag.c - Started out to change certain bytes for another but turned out to as a program to decode the text in a Zelda3 rom to english.
Cachall1.c - Show all combos of 3 single digits that when multiplied Ex. 35 = (1 * 5 * 7).
Cc.c - CC-GenPC,PC verion of CC-Gen85 that first appeared in 2600, which I translated to C code.
Ccvalid.c - Check if a CC Number passes the quick check formula to see if a CC number is valid.
Chall.c - Used to complete a challenge.
Chronocs.c - Compute the checksum in a Chrono Trigger SRam files. Not written by me.
Ciscocrack.c - Descambles cisco IOS type-7 passwords. Not written by me.
Cmos.c - See Bios_Award.c
Comm.c - Simple terminal program. Not written by me.
Compare.c - Compare's two files and lists the differences.
Conpgm.c - My attempt to take a string of hex numbers and turn them into real numbers
Conv.c - Convert a number to binary.
Cptrl.c - Attempt to understand an explanation of the cyberpatrol password encryption process.
Ctsram.c - Chrono Trigger SRam Editor, would have been alot better but I had a HD crash.
Ctsram.h - Include file for the above.
Cybrptrl.c - See Cptrl.c
D2decbin.c - Decimal to Binary.
D2maphack.c - Mousepad's Diablo 2 Map Hack example code.
D2saveh.c - My start to a Diablo 2 Save Game editor.
Dec_to_bin.c - Another Dec to Bin conv.
Df.c - Compare two files and list the bytes that differ by a certain amount.
Dots.c - Graphics program that prints random colored dots at random locations on the screen. Requires bgi.
Drive.c - List the current drive the program is run on. Copied from a book long ago.
Dwhackb.c - Old version of below.
Dwhack.c - Original Dopewarz hacker.
E.c - Compute e.
Encchat.c - My pitiful attempt to decode someone's encrypted chat on irc.
Encdec.c - An even worse attempt to make a file encrypter/decrypter.
Fakevrs.c - A fake virus that I made for someone.
FF8Help - A program I made to help me keep track of the answers on the tests in FF8.
F_Fan3.c - Decodes the text in the FinalFantasy3us(6jp) Rom to readable text.
FP95Hack.c - I wrote this in the 11th grade to bypass the FoolProof95 security on the Comp Sci computers.
Gg.c - Converts a Game Genie code to a Pro Action Replay code on the SNES.
GGHex.c - The start of the above program.
Hexdump2.c - Older version of hexdump4.c
Hexdump3.c - Older version of hexdump4.c
Hexdump4.c - Dumps a file in hex.
Hexdump.c - Older version of hexdump4.c
Java.c - I wrote this and the following two programs when I was trying to get a javascript password.
Javacrck.c - See above.
Javacrk2.c - See above.
Launch1.c - Launch a program.
Launch.c - See Above.
Lhsqrt.c - Long hand square root.
Likes.c - Compares two files and shows the likenesses.
Lines.c - Displays random lines of random color. Requires Bgi.
Lottpick.c - Pick 6 random numbers from 1 to 50. Can be easily updated to 54 numbers for Texas Lotto.
Matrix.c - Helped me understand another program used to get the win95 screen saver password.
Mem1.c - walks DOS MCB chain(s). Not written by me.
Mirc571.c - mIRC 5.71 keygen. This was written by me.
Moveline.c - Moves a small line across the screen.
Mstrcrck.c - Helps crack masterlocks. One that I wrote after finding the formula.
Nbname.c - Decodes NetBIOS name packets (UDP 137). Written by CDC.
Numkey.c - Kinda like arrowkey.c
Numtime.c - Displays the number of secs since Jan 1, 1970.
Palmake.c - Puts some numbers in a file. I was trying to make a Palette for a SNES tile editor.
Pi.c - Compute PI.
Pktdump.c - The first Diablo 2 gamble hack. Not written by me.
Primefac.c - See if a number is prime.
Quake2ck.c - Used to be a quake2 cd crack but got overwritten with my Rogue Spear crack.
Randtext.c - Displays random text on the screen.
Relsearc.c - Searches a file for a pattern of chars. Ex.the 1st char is 6 higher than the 2nd, etc.
Rscrack.c - Rogue Spear Crack
Scancode.c - Function to convert scancode to ascii. Not written by me.
Scncrack.c - Program to convert the ScreenSaveData key in the Win9x registry to the screen saver pass.
Sctotime.c - Convert secs to HH:MM:SS format, or an attempt at it as it were.
Searchp.c - See Bios_Award.c
Shruncrk.c - Windows Share Cracker. Takes the enc pass in the Win Reg and decodes it.
Single.c - Program to control a stepper motor.
Sixbrute.c - Same as Brute.c, but it uses six numbers and lowercase letters.
Slideg.c - My start to an attempt at the 15 Game.
Softice.c - Little menu I wrote to let me choose between a normal win boot and a win boot with softice.
Squaroot.c - Shows all the square roots in a range of numbers.
Steven.c - Miles per Gallon thing I helped a friend with.
Tblmaker.c - Makes a table for a SNES ROM.
Test.c - Same as arrowkey.c
Testme.c - Another challenge solution.
Testsnd.c - Test the sound() func in C.
Timebeep.c - Beep after so many secs.
Trcbrt.c - Tracer bruteforcer, copied from 2600.
Uereg.c - Start to a Ultra Edit keygen(old).
Unproof.c - Just like FP95Hack.c, but written by my friend FreeFall.
Unver2.c - See Above.
V.c - Diablo 2 Save Game Hack. Not Written by me.
Version2.c - See Unver2.c
Zeldatrn.c - Same as Bytechag.c
Updated March 12, 2002