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CB2 Syllabus

PinYin Eight Lessons
Table of Chinese Phonics

Archive for fall semester (If you want to check back)

We are starting the spring semester here
Date/Week# Homework Other Materials
01/31/2009, Week 1 - Lesson 17 (Cont.) - Homework - Make Sentences - Reading Material (100 people village)
02/7/2009, Week 2 - Lesson 17 (Cont.) - Homework - Translation - Reading Material (Cancer Cells)
02/14/2009, Week 3 - Lesson 18 - Homework - New Word Sheets - Reading Material (Cancer Cells)
02/21/2009, Week 4 - Lesson 18 (Cont.) - Homework - Make Sentences/Translation - Reading Material (Rent Apartment)
02/28/2009, Week 5 - Lesson 20 - Homework - New Words - Reading Material (Chinese Names)
03/07/2009, Week 6 - Lesson 20 (Cont.) - Homework - Make Sentences
- Just a reminder: The midterm is scheduled on 3/21/09
- Reading Material (Group Study)
03/14/2009, Week 7 - Lesson 20 (Cont.) - Homework - Translation - Reading Material (60 Chinese Characters)
03/21/2009, Week 8 - Lesson 21 - Homework - New Word Sheets  
03/28/2008, Week 9 - Lesson 21 (Cont.) Homework - Make Sentences - Reading Material (10 Differences)
04/04/2009, Week 10 - Lesson 21 (Cont.) - Homework - Translation
- Learn/memorize the song, we will watch the vedio and learn it every week from now on.
- Presentation by Susilo, Hans(漢 師): Great effort! I liked it
04/18/2009, Week 11 - Lesson 22 Homework - New Word Sheets
- There will be no class 04/28, enjoy a day off!
- Prepare Presentation (05/02): Chao, Joseph(趙仁滄)
- Presentation by Wang, Alexander(王永恩): Great information! I will be enjoying NFL games for next season, I hope you will too.

Important Notice:

Please learn the following song, I really like to perform this song for our year end show.
Here is the words of the song

My email is: qji@yahoo.com, if you need to email me.