Welcome to BIRDIE's Homepage
BIRDIE'S Homepage

Hey. My name is Josh Blanton. Im a 16 male from Pikeville Kentucky. I like to listen to music such as KoRn and Busta Rhymes. I also like to play basketball and fiddle with the internet. Well, thats enough about me. Sit back and enjoy the page.

Want to see and hear about some of my friends?

If you have mIRC (IRC), get on the Efnet server and come to channel #ky. That is where I hang out and many of my friends do also. Unfortunatly, I didn't have enough space to put my IRC script on here. It is called Då ÑüKër and is filled with nukers, flooders, bot flooders, and spoofers. It is an IRC War Script. If you are interested in it, email me and I will email it to you. *Warning* it is 7 meg zipped, so be prepared for a BIG email. Come to my IRC page to find out more.

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