Desyncing a Channel

This is alot of fun, and can really cause alot of havoc on split servers trying to resync. Don't be surprised when you get a /kill or /kline for doing this.

How it works

Whenever a server splits off from another server they each have their own set of channels and each channel has its own modes,bans,topic, and ops. And when the servers reconnect they have to send each other the channels, users on channels, etc etc, this is called resyncing. What you're doing is attempting to keep the server from resyncing by kicking users, changing the channel mode and topic, and setting bans.

What it does

Well, if you successfully desync the channel then whenever someone tries to do anything in the channel it'll say "unable to send to channel (+m or desync'd)", it depends on what server you're on, but you can effectively shut down an entire channel if you do it right.

How to do it

You will need to find a split server and get ops there(If you are the first person to join a channel on a split server then you will be the only one there and you will have ops), then set bans, remove bans, change channel modes, kick users as the server starts to resync. Its funner doing it by hand, but its best to write a script to automatically do it all for you, heres a few sample desync scripts by TiAMaT.
Alias Section:

desync1 {
 mode $$1 +bbb …j‰“o!e”nŠ¦@V‹‡–x~•{.t¡q‚‡}w ‘}e\JOB=LVj!~˜¯Â½¸ª@–‡{sx{.ztl]Q njnopxvx|!{€†Š†zkb@kjrqtp.t{€
 mode $$1 +bbb {†Ÿ¤£¹Á!¶¦¦¦¥@¤§¥‘‚rc.^TRTNUd ]pbh‚£!¥¥…ypr@zr|vyp.hrl{{ xtuqsqkY!E6e“›Çà@ßß½’”~jpv.tgaVYo„
 mode $$1 +bbb {†Ÿ¤£¹Á¶¦!¦¦¥@¤§.¥ ‘‚rc^TR!TNUdr~‚~@xy}.~ˆ’›¨¨® £¥¥…yp!rzr|vyphr@l{{‰„‘‹‰Œ.……~}x
 mode $$1 +bbb kYE6e“›!Çàßß½’”@~jpvtgaVYo.„—¹¿¹«Žt^OGQ ¶¦¦!¦¥¤§¥‘‚rc^@TRTNU.dr~‚~xy}~ {†Ÿ¤£¹Á¶¦!¦¦¥¤§¥‘@‚rc^TRTN.Udr~‚
 mode $$1 +bbb qsqkYE6!e“›Çàßß½’@”~jpvtgaVY.o„—¹¿¹«Ž ¦¦¥¤§¥‘!‚rc^TRTN@Udr~‚~x.y}~ˆ’›¨ OV\™ŸÅØË!å¾¼——”p@{QWJ6GSw‹¨.´Ãħ¡ƒ
 mode $$1 +bbb …j‰“o!enŠ¦@V‹‡–x~•{.t¡q‚‡}w ‘}e\JB=LVj!~˜¯Â½¸ª@–‡{sx{.ztl]Q njnopvx|!{€†Š†zkb@kjrqtp.t{€
 mode $$1 +bbb {†¤£¹Á!¶¦¦¦¥@¤§¥‘‚rc.^TRTNUd ]pbh‚£!¥¥…ypr@zr|vp.hrl{{ xtuqsqkY!E6e“›Çà@ßß½’”~jpv.tgVYo„
 mode $$1 +bbb {Ÿ¤£¹Á¶¦!¦¦¥@¤§.¥ ‘‚rc^T!TNUdr~‚~@xy}.~ˆ’›¨¨® £¥¥…yp!rzr|vyphr@l{{„‘‹‰Œ.……~}x
 mode $$1 +bbb kYE6e“›!Çàß½’”@~jpvtgaVYo.„¹¿¹«Žt^OGQ ¶¦¦!¦¥¤§¥‘‚rc^@TRN.dr~‚~xy}~ {†Ÿ¤£¹Â¶!¦¦¥¤§¥‘@‚rc^TRTN.Udr~‚
 mode $$1 +bbb qsqkE6!e“›Çàßß½’@”~jpvtgaVY.o„—¹¿¹«Ž ¦¦¥¤§¥‘!‚rc^TRN@Udr~‚~x.y}~ˆ’›¨ OV\™ŸÅØË!¾¼——”p@{QWJ6GSw‹¨.´ÃÄ¡ƒ
 topic $$1 V‹‡–x~•{t¡q‚‡}w•…s‘†~m´pwƒŽšrvƒ‘]”‘pzµ]`Ä^ƒ“fƒ˜†vn›o…Ž|…upŸymªP…­af¦i{•mšvpŽY®Q–“]“W®k`ËO€‹j‰¤C¢“{ˆP¬™N’|zmÁH}®mz„‚˜ix––rh±o|f«^v¸A·\¶^Ÿr}¡qQ²ue j€”zŽ†|rª€SŸžWnÃ{>Ø@˜ g
 mode $$1 +stimnk -]qMX[>TSzŽ©¹Éȧ—vm[-
 mode $$1 +lb -50000 *!*@*
desync2 {
 mode $$1 +bbbb ---?---*--!-?------*-@-?---*----.---?----*- --?----*--!-----*--?-@--?---*---.--*----?-- ----?---*-!-----*--?-@-----?--*-.--?-----*- ---?--*---!----?--*--@---*---?--.--?--*----
 mode $$1 +smtink -]DeSyNc[-
 mode $$1 +bbbb ----*-?---!---?---*--@----*--?--.---?----*- ---?----*-!----*---?-@--?----*--.---*--?--- --*---?---!---?--*---@--?-*-----.----*-?--- --?-*-----!--?-----*-@----*--?--.----?--*--
 mode $$1 +bbbb --?----*--!--*----?--@--?-----*-.-*-----?-- ---*----?-!----?--*--@-----*---?.---*-?---- ---?---*--!---?--*---@---?---*--.---?---*-- -?---*----!--?----*--@------?-*-.--?-----*-
 mode $$1 +bbbb -?-----*--!---*---?--@--*----?--.---?---*-- ---*---?--!--*-?-----@-?----*---.---?----*- --?-----*-!---?--*---@---*--?---.--?---*--- ---?---*--!--*---?---@---?--*---.-----?-*--
 mode $$1 +bbbb ----*--?-!----?--*--@----*---?.---?--*--- --*----?-!----*--?--@---?---*-.-----?*--- ---?---*-!---?-*----@--?---*--.-----?-*-- ---*-?---!---*-?----@--?----*-.-----*-?--
 mode $$1 +bbbb --?--*---!------?-*-@----?--*-.--?---*--- ---?-*---!----?-*---@--*----?-.---?---*-- --?----*-!------*-?-@---?---*-.---?--*--- ----*--?-!-?------*-@--*---?--.--?-----*-
 mode $$1 +bbbb ----*-?--!-*----?---@---*-?---.---?---*-- --*---?--!----*--?--@-*--?----.---*---?-- --*--?---!---?--*---@----?--*-.---?--*--- ---*--?--!-*--?-----@--?--*---.---?-*----
 mode $$1 +bbbb ---*-?---!---?---*--@---*--?--.----?--*-- --?---*--!--?--*----@--*---?--.--?----*-- -?----*--!-*--?-----@--*--?---.---*--?--- ---*--?--!-----?--*-@---?---*-.--*--?----
/desync1 {channel}
/desync2 {channel}
You really just gotta get the hang of it, if you really want to mess a channel up though kick people when you see them joining from a split.
If you are on both sides of the split and you did this right, then you will see the server set a whole bunch of bans when the servers resync.

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