TopLinkExchange Member
Java Solutions Inc.
(featuring Java and JavaScript)
Scroll down for Anonymous Remailers, Usenet Poster and Credit Card Verifier.
September 10, 1998: A serious bug in Credit Card Verifier Script has been fixed.
November 30, 1997: All remailers and poster are offline.

Table of Contents
Usage: Description:
Java Networking Applets
Easy Free Usenet Poster - featuring LiveConnect ( doesn't work in Internet Explorer )
    This form allows to post message to Usenet even if you don't have a direct access to Usenet server. It is also a good choice, if you want to hide your identity and IP form readers.
Easy Java Anonymous Remailer
    This applet is a demonstration of networking with in java applet by means of package. Mail is sent through SMTP port of the GeoCities web server. This Remailer does not stamp IP of sender into the header of the message. And allows you to change basic allies.
Medium Advanced Java Anonymous Remailer
    This is the next applet in Java applet series. It gives you almost full control over message appearance at receptionist's mail application.
PRO Full Control Java Anonymous Remailer
    This is the last applet in Java Remailers applet series. It gives you ultimate control over message content. You can use any header tags there. Designed for professional users.
JavaScript stuff
Easy JavaScript Credit Card Verifier
    Verification of all major credit card numbers. Don't worry, IT IS LEGAL, since this script does not generate CC numbers. Credit Card Verifier script is a good example of using arrays and loops in JavaScript. Mod 10 algorithm is used.
Easy Update tracking ( A script for YOUR page )
    The open script which demonstrates client-side update tracking, one of "easy-to-implement" high-end features. Make your page more advanced, keep your visitors informed. Script uses client-side cookies mechanism to store information.
Things you can do for free
N/A Survey
    Simple working survey form. Uses open CGI script from Geocities.
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