What's New:
If you are looking for the animated cursors, they have relocated to Joe's Cursors.
I've been cruising the web for several years collecting and making goodies
to improve my "Windows desktop." This web site provides access to some of the
things I've made and an extensive set of links to other sites I've found on the web who
specialize in HTML, graphics, sounds, software, and games.
Joe's General MIDI Search Engine Page:
General MIDI is used to describe the set of rules used for music files
which end with ".mid". The General MIDI standard has 128 sound sets and 47 percussion maps. This
page provides an easy means of identifying instruments when working with MIDI files.
The information is provided in two forms, tables providing a list of all the sounds by channel
and search engines which allow you to determine what sound is assigned to a map number or to
determine what number to use for a specific sound.
You must have a JavaScript capable browser to successfully use the search engines.
Click on the following icon
to enter:
Joe's Links Launcher:
An organized collection of web pages which offer links to other web sites with software,
graphics, sounds, games and information which make the Windows
95 computing experience more fun. They have all been tied to a
convenient start (launcher) page to let you select your area of
interest. You may want to bookmark the launcher page for "return
flights." These pages intentionally avoid the use of frames so that
you can easily see what address you're at and save the correct link as a favorite/bookmark.
Click on the following graphic/words to proceed to takeoff
on the world wide web. Good Luck!