Carlos Manjarres

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From a professional point of view:

In Canada
My Notes:

I have 13 years of experience in the design and development of software applications mainly for the telecommunications industry ranging from legacy systems to Internet systems based on UNIX and windows platforms.
I have mostly been in charge of computer applications design to support multiple IT projects with a variety of scopes such as new application development, application maintenance, systems integration, and process automation.

Most recently, for last couple of years I’ve been focusing my job in software architecture design, conducting research in Software Engineering to improve the quality my IT development deliverables by proposing, discussing and implementing IT standards and guidelines.

Currently, I am a Sr. Systems Analyst working for Telus Mobility, the number 1 wireless company in North America, according to N. Moore Capital, Ltd., an independent company based in New York that provides financial analysis of the telecommunications industry. I am very proud to be part of the IT team behind the computers systems supporting more than 4 million cellphone subscribers across Canada. I work in the Systems for Client Operations Development group in charge of several internal applications as well as responsile for some of external funcionality within the self-service application.
I work mainly with J2EE, Oracle and Unix technologies, designing and developing server side reusable componentes including Java APIs, EJBs, DAOs and Stored Procedures.
I design and develop stand-alone Java applications and Unix shells scripts. I also design fron-end web component and work with other developers to implement them using struts.
So far I have been the technical prime for a lot of different applications most of them interfaced with the famous AMDOCS Ensemble billing platform. So, just to name a couple of these apps: Rate Plan Optimizer, Sales and Reward system, Telus Enterpise Application Server, Self-Service and Push Communication ( via SMS .)

Before working at Telus Moblity, I worked at Sprint Canada in Toronto Canada for 3 years (1998 to 2001) and am very proud to be part of another Canadian company in the telecommunications industry.
I worked first in a Unix Development group , doing as usual, systems analysis, design, programming, testing plans, documentation, team work for several projects, some research in technical aspects of telecommunications and software engineering.
I also worked in the Internet Service Group designing and developing web based applications interfaced with the other famous billing software Infranet from
My duties included leading groups of developers.

Before Sprint, I had the position of Systems Analyst in AT&T Canada LDS in Toronto Canada. I worked there for about 1 year and a half (Q1/97 to Q3/98) in this great telecommunication company in the Systems Development Deparment. It was my introduction to the systems development work in big companies in north-america. Fortunatly my previous experience in Colombia gave me the foundations to play the role of designer and developer. So, I did C, C++ programming, some project management duties (small/medium projects) and also application support. I was in charge of the CDR Collector System.

Between Q1/1994 and Q1/1997, I worked as a Research Engineer at the Research & Development (R&D) Division in a big Proyect called: Telecommunications Managment System ( based on TMN principles ) at ITEC - TELECOM , the Telecommunication Enterprise of Colombia SouthAmerica. (it's a honour for me). Here I got the taste of software development in the telecommunication industry.

My duties consisted mainly in carrying out research and development of software activities using C language (and some C++ ) in the HP-UX environment. I was asigned a module called Command Control/Answer which is part of the subsystem Mediation Device (MD). The MD has the purpose of maintaining a dialoge with the Network Elements - AXE and NEAX telephone switches - in a near real time manner to get basic data to feed the Telecommunication Management System. For this system, we just pulled a sample of 10% of the CDRs , and received the switch event records ( or alarms ). The processing of this data showed the current status of the network, and produced statistical analysis of the Quality of Service (QoS)

My last activity before I moved to Canada, was the creation of a new group dedicated to a initial research intended to build an intelligent system that performs alarms correlation. This is a sub-project which was intended for locating faults in the telecommunication network. Basically we were approching this problem with a Knowledge Based System solution.

In addition to the developer role, I also had the opportunity to be HP-UX system administrator for our internet node!. So, I got familiar with the details of TCP/IP, webdesign, email, I learned HTML, Perl, awk, unix scripts, ....

My first job as IT professional was the role of software developer. I worked for 2 years (1992/1994) for a medium size company called Multidimensionales S.A. , one othe the biggest companies in the sector. Here I learned the DataBase development skills. I developed an inventory system to manage raw materials as well as terminated products. Altough automating the major inventary processes was tough, I actually worked very well after the launch in production.. I used PowerHouse in a MPE-XL operating system of Hewlett Packard. I developed the system with enough flexibility and portability so that could be ported to other platforms such as Unix ( SCO and HP-UX ) and MS-DOS.


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