Well, no one knows himself, but here goes !

(If u are the kind who wants my Resume, click here)

My hobbies (Only the main ones. Does'nt include things like browsing the net !):

  • Tracing my family tree.

    I have traced some 400 people last year. Future plans include putting it up on the web. But that will have to wait a bit. If u want to trace yours, there are quite a few softwares to help out. This is a really interesting hobby, and will give u a very nice feeling when u do it.


  • Building electronic circuits.

    During my college days, I used to be a very active one, building some microprocessor based stuff too. Now, my time spent on this is very less. The only 'electronic circuit' thing I did in the First week of Jan 98 was to change a light bulb ! (Well, if u've heard of that joke about how many people it takes to change a light bulb ...)


  • BBS ing.

    Yup, this is a very colourful hobby ! Well, a BBS is an electronic forum where a person can send a bunch of messages (called a packet) on various topics and receives another bunch written by the others. Here, u can discuss a variety of topics. I am a member of the CIX BBS in Bangalore. This is a free BBS and anyone can join. We have various forums like 'Travel' , 'Eating out', 'Movies', 'Sports', 'Music', 'Literature' , 'Philosophy', 'Parenting', 'Internet', 'Clubhouse (max used !)', 'Programming with VB and Delphi' , 'Other programming', 'Windows', 'UNIX', etc. It is really fun, and is an educating experience, sharing ur views with people of 8 - 80 years of age. The quality of messaging on a BBS is in part, determined by the Sysop, or the person who manages the BBS. For CIX, we have one of India's well known consultants in electronic communication, Atul Chitnis. CIX was the first BBS started in India ! Like to join ? Dial +91-(80)-3341137 thru ur modem. Suggested software to use is Hyperterminal which comes with Win 95 or other communication programs like Telix, Procomm, etc.


My dreams :
  • Stopping brain drain from India. If u have any thoughts on this, please let me know. Especially, if u are already out of India, maybe u can tell others what to do so that they can stay in India or come back to India after a couple of years abroad..


The kid in me !
  • I love to play the computer game Descent. This is a 3D Game where u are in a space ship and can move around in all dimensions. I gotta try VR sometime. Maybe I'll like it !
  • Well, I really sometimes act like a kid, especially, when I want to express happiness. I feel happiness is so much of a child emotion. Well, I'm in control though, even when I'm a kid ! I even wonder about a lot of things like a kid.

Want to tell me something ? Click here to send me a mail. We could even arrange a netmeeting audio session sometime, if u want to really 'tell' me something !