C64 stuff!

I must concede that I´m suffering of Commodore 64 nostalgia! And all hope for a poor fanatic is not lost! It is possible to download a Commodore 64 Emulator (Get one from my »Downlaod-area«). The free version of the Emulator works almost like the registered version, but only for 10 minutes.
In the registered version you´ll also get some needful applications, fx. a little program that converts your old 5¼" Commodore 64 disks to .d64 files and your old tapes to .t64 files - so called imagefiles. These files are readable for the Emulator and at the same time possible to store in your computer. Get some of these imagefiles from my »Downlaod-area«

What you also should check out...


                alt.c64 and alt.binaries.warez.commodore64

IRC servers:

                The channel #c64

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