Over the Summer

By Steve Blasko sblasko@emanon.net

Printer ribbons...

My main printers are the Panasonic 1180i and the Okidata Okimate 10. I have had no problems purchasing ribbon cartridges for my Panasonic 1180i at Staples or Office Max. I also have two Commodore printers (1525 and MPS-801) which are primarily used in a backup role. Printer ribbons for many of the older Commodore printers are difficult, if not impossible, to find. It seems as though I never throw away an old ribbon, so I have been able to reink many of my old ribbons thanks to Bill Mays' reinking kits.

During those hot days in July, I searched the yahoo webpage for Commodore printer ribbons. There were a number of web sites that had Commodore listings. The Commodore Commputer Center: http://www.interplus.net/~ccc was an interesting find. Note: ~ (tilda) is shift + up arrow for Novaterm users. Their e-mail address is: ccc@interplus.net. They carry printer ribbons so I sent them an e-mail. I am still waiting for an answer. I must say that their webpage had along list of Commodore equipment and software for sale.

I also called around trying to find ribbons for my Commodore and Okimate 10 printers. I called Radio Shack, but it seems that they no longer carry their 1525 replacement (Cat. No. 26-1424), nor any of my other printer ribbon cartridges. I continued making calls because I wanted to at least purchase several replacement ribbon cartridges for my Okimate 10. It uses a special thermal print ribbon cartridge and can not be reinked.

I called Okimate Corporate headquarters in Mt Laurel and was put in contact with Agson, Inc. a printer parts supply business located at 2091 Springdale Road, Cherry Hill (telephone 1-800-444-4066 or 1-609-751-9040). Agson carried my Okimate 10 printer ribbon cartridges; however, they did not carry any printer ribbon cartridges for my Commodore 1525 or MPS-801. They do carry the MPS-803 ribbon cartridge. Besides parts and supplies, they also carry service manuals for a long list of printer manufactures such as Panasonic, Epson, Starmicronics, NEC, and Okidata.

I am still in search of printer ribbon cartridges for my two Commodore printers. If you know where to get these items, please let me know, and I will compile a list for RVUG. If and when I get a reply from the Commodore Computer Center, I'll report about it next time.

Surfing the net...

There are a couple of interesting webpages that I came across while surfing the net. Need a telephone number/mailing address for an individual or business? Try this out: http://www.switchboard.com. If the individual has an unlisted telephone number, you will not be successful.

Another webpage that I visit from time to time is the East Brunswick Commodore User Group. Their URL is: http:/www.castle.net/~cebug. CEBUG has a lot of interesting articles to read online.


LYNX version 2.6 has some nifty features. The most apparent feature one sees while viewing text on a webpage is the sequential numbering of the links. All you have to do is type in the number and press enter, and you are there. You can still cursor down and highlight your choice if you like surfing that mode.

The other feature that was a pleasant surprise is that now you can do "frames." What? "Frames" goes beyond the single information document screen environment to a number of separate but interactive information documents. The full experience of "frames" can not be realized using LYNX, but now instead of hitting a road block, you can pursue at least one of the separate information documents but without the interactivity of the others.

Viewing Internet graphics...

At the present time, only GIF (picture) files can be viewed on Commodores with GIF viewer software. I have been using a VGIF64 freeware from Jim Brain's FTP site (ftp.jbrain.com). My daughter came across an update for the freeware GIF viewer (VGIF64) which allows you to view newer versions of GIF files.

Downloading animation GIF to view on your Commodore is not possible at this time. I wouldn't say never. If somebody would have told me that I would be surfing the net with a Commodore 64 five years ago, I would not have believed it possible.

Novaterm 9.6...

Novaterm author Nick Rossi has released patch C for version 9.6 in July. As I understand it, as enhancements to the software are realized, they are passed along to the users. I purchased Novaterm 9.6 in January of this year from Creative Micro Designs, Inc. (CMD), and the diskette already had patch B. To get patch C, I send my original Novaterm diskette and $1.00 to Nick Rossi at his Washington (state) address.

Nick Rossi has a list server for Novaterm where users with questions can get help. At times my Emanon mail box has numerous e-mails from other users offering their spin on answering the question(s) that come up. The e-mails are interesting, and I look forward to reading them. At times Nick Rossi will provide the answer(s) as well as insight into Novaterm. I think that this says a lot about Novaterm and the software support the author continues to make available.

Going to the Library...

The Camden County Library has gone through an online evolution which is very impressive. A few years ago the main branch (Voorhees) had a one telephone line set up, and you can imagine the busy signals heard throughout the county. Now I understand that they have multiple lines as well as an Internet connection. You can now request books and have them sent to your local branch for you to pick up.

Their login telephone number is: 772-2529. Use VT-100 emulation, word/parity 8N1. Type: LIBRARYLINK, for access. Sometimes when using 1200 Baud, you may have to try several times before you can get connected. If you have trouble connecting, then try telneting. After logging onto Itchy, type at the Unix prompt: telnet ccl.camden.lib.nj.us (return). You will need your number from your Camden County library card and your PIN number to request books. To get your PIN number, call the main library branch (Voorhees).

Perhaps, someone using the Burlington County Library's online system can write about their experience. I know that the Burlington County Library system offers free e-mail accounts to individuals with library cards. I did receive an e-mail from one RVUG member using that free e-mail system. I am not aware of any Camden County Library free e-mail accounts for card holders.

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