I've been lucky enough to be called upon to contribute to a couple of TV programmes for the BBC. The first of these was "I Love 1978."

The series takes one year and looks at the biggest popular culture events. Things like telly shows, music, movies etc. One area they chose for 1978 was the coin-op game Space Invaders. They brought me in to tell them all about it. The coolest thing was that they got the creator of Space Invaders, Tomohiro Nishikado to appear. The official BARB rating figures for "I Love 1978" were 3.9 million viewers.

Click here to read a transcription of the Space Invaders segment.

In January I was on "I Love 1980" to talk about Pac-man. I think the show really conveyed how much fun the game was. Once again they got the creator of the game, Toru Iwatani to talk on the programme. This one got 3.7 million viewers.

Click here to read a transcription of the Pac-man segment.