Vel's Java Home Page

Welcome! I am Velmurugan Periasamy. In 2000, I became a Sun Certified Programmer for the Java2 Platform. I cleared the exam with 96%. I thought of sharing my SCJP2 Exam preparation experience with others. Many people found that these notes were helpful in the certification exam preparation. I hope you find my study notes and the information provided in this site useful. Please send your valuable comments or suggestions to Thank you for visiting.

With best wishes,
Velmurugan Periasamy.

Click here to download the SCJP2 study notes.

On Oct 12 2001, I have passed Sun Certified Web Component Developer for J2EE Platform exam with a score of 96%. I've used Sun's Servlet/JSP specifications, various people's study notes and JWebPlus to prepare for the exam. Here's a document that consolidates some notes from my preparation. I thank all the people who contributed to it. Hope this will be helpful for your SCWCD preparation.

Click here to download the SCWCD study notes.

On July 7 2003, I have passed Sun Certified Business Component Developer for J2EE Platform exam with a score of 95%. I gave this exam in its beta version, meaning that I needed to answer the entire pool of questions. I've used Sun's EJB specifications, JavaRanch discussions and people's study notes/cheatsheets to prepare for the exam. Here are some documents that were useful for my preparation. I thank all the people who contributed it. Hope this will be helpful for your SCBCD preparation.

Click here to download the SCBCD Documents.