FOUCAULT scientific clochard

Oke, cut it. Here's the guy:

Now you tell me: what was the cause of dead of this great philosopher ??


A guy named Ben Attias is maintaining a few great pages about Foucault and his nachwuchs. I was quite amazed to see those pages are located in the USA! Always thought they are not teaching philosophie there... Anyway, if you are interested in more Foucault links, including more then a few mailing lists then visit: foucault home( I couldn't suppress the thought that Foucault finally found his home.....)

L'Anti-Oedipe ...

Actually this book is not written by Foucault, nor by Lacan, but by Deleuze&Guattari. Nontheless I still remember I spelled that book out almost page by page in French..Its great stuff for someone already fluent in both Marx and Freud, and much more stimulating then the Frankfurter's or (God forbits that) Alice Miller.

Personally I think the machine of desire is both a very lively and a very accurate translation of some of the more cryptic concepts in Donzelot and Foucault's political essay's( I was thinking about "Policing of families" and "Surveiller and punir"). Manipulation is more likely to happen by way of the HOLLAND CASINO corporations then by way of the Social Security Agency itself...... [that is if we do not already shit on it( remember that song: we have to face the face ?))].

I am afraid I personally know who dangerous it is to desire something else;=) But I know for sure that that is the only real resistance we have against the oudipal machine. Not a piece of cake though. Temptations, temptations...!

I picked some real nice introduction into the thinking included in "L'anti.... " from the net somewhere. Although nothing could match a real book, you might have a quick look at: guattari intro

Other then that there is a Deleuze-Guattari home with a lot more information. 1