Resume for

PO Box 702
Cypress, CA. 90630-0702

Home Office: 714-828-1734
Revised: 2005.01.01

Oracle Experience (by OS):

*    Oracle V10g,9i,8i,8.x,7.x,6 Installations/Upgrades and Applications Development using SQL*PLUS, SQL*FORMS, SQL*ReportWriter, SQL*Menu, Structured Query Language (SQL), PL*SQL triggers and procedures on Unix (Solaris, Linux, Ultrix, Dynix, HP-UX, RS/6000, and SCO Unix)
*    SQL*FORMS 3.0 (character version) using PL*SQL triggers and procedures on Unix
*    9iAS (Application Server, Net Apps), WebDB, OAS, Oracle Web Server, Portal
*    CDE  SQL*Forms 4.0, SQL*Reports 2.0, and SQL*Graphics using Motif/MS Windows
*    Developer(9i,6i,2000) SQL*Forms 4.5, SQL*Reports 2.5, and SQL*Graphics using Motif/MSWindows

Windows NT/2000:
*       Oracle V10g,9i,8i,8,7 Installations/Upgrades and Applications Development using SQL*Forms, SQL*PLUS, SQL*ReportWriter, SQL*Menu, Structured Query Language (SQL), PL*SQL triggers and procedures including Designer/2000 and Developer/2000
*       Developer(9i,6i,2000)  SQL*FORMS 4.5, SQL*REPORT 2.5, and SQL*GRAPHICS
*       Designer(9i,6i,2000) CASE*DESIGNER, CASE*Generator, CASE*Dictionary (V 5.0, 5.1, 6.0)
*       JDeveloper (9i,3), 9iAS (Application Server), WebDB, OAS, OWS

With over 18 years of ORACLE experience in both Web and networked client/server environments, I can provide DBA, Development, Design, Project Management and Unix Administration skills that are especially valuable to companies using to ORACLE and Unix.  My mentoring and management skills provide additional value by providing training and guidance to technical and non-technical team members.

General Experience:
A total of 20 years of experience working in the computer industry. 31 years of general experience including 4 years in the U.S. Army (Secret clearance) and 3 1/2 years Civil Service. Most of the last 13 years have been spent as project lead or DBA on various database development projects.

Operating Systems: C/Korn/Bourne Shell scripts, Sun Solaris 2.8-2.4, Linux, Compaq True64 Unix, DEC Unix, DEC VAX/VMS, DEC Ultrix, Sequent Dynix, HPUX, Veritas Volume Manager, Netbackup, Pyramid Unix, RS/6000 AIX, SCO Unix, MS Dos (3,4,5, & 6), Motif, OpenLook, Windows (3.11, 95, NT/2000, XP), and OS/2 2.1/3.0

Hardware: Sun:Sparc, Compaq Alpha, DEC VAX, Hewlett Packard, Sequent, Pyramid, IBM RS/6000.

DBA Tools: ORACLE Enterprise Manager, Network Manager, Replication Manager, ORACLE Server Manager, SQL Plus, SQL Loader, Export/Import, Access Manager, SQL*DBA, OMNIBASE (SMARTSTAR) RDBMS, Britton Lee Database Machine, DECs RDB and Datatrieve.

Data Bases: ORACLE Relational Database Management System (versions 10g,9i,8i(8.1.6,8.1.7), 8.x, 7.x, 6.x), including Metalink, ORACLE FORMS (versions 2.3, 3.0, 4.0, 4.5, 6i, 9i) (Internet, Net Apps, CDE, X-windows, MS-Windows, Macintosh, and character mode versions), SQL*PLUS, ORACLE Reports , SQL*Menu, Structured Query Language (SQL), Procedural Language/Structured Query Language (PL/SQL), Oracle Designer (9i,6i,2000), SqlServer 7/2000.

Languages: PL/SQL, Java, XML/XSLT, Perl, Unix Shell, Pascal, COBOL, FORTRAN, BASIC, C++, C, ALL-IN-1 scripts, HTML, HTTP, INTERLEAF Publishing System, Visual Basic, Digital Command Language (DCL) using VMS operating systems, Regis Graphics Language, POSTSCRIPT, Runoff, Forms Management System (FMS), RPG-II/III, TUTOR, PL/1, Logo, PILOT, LISP, VAX Macro, and various other Assemblers. (Familiar with DEC-windows/ X-windows/ MS-Windows APIs).

Networking: SqlNet/Net8, Ethernet, DECNET, Pathworks, TCP/IP, ISDN, AppleTalk, Novell Lite, and MicroSoft Windows for Workgroups, NT File Servers, NFS, FTP, and POP3 Mail server installation

ERP and CRM Products: Oracle Financials, Vantive, SCT Banner, ACT, GoldMine.

Configuration Management Products: ClearCase, PerForce, Oracle Designer/SCM, CCC, CMS/MMS, ClearQuest.

Internet Tools: ORACLE 9iAS, OAS, WebServer, WebDB, Portal, PSP, Netscape Communicator and Composer, Internet Explorer, Front Page (Web Page design as well as Web Server management and Networking issues), Internet Information Server (IIS)

Work Experience:

Aug 2004 to Jan 2005:Oracle Developer (10% DBA/90% Developer)  with UBC of Las Vegas, NV.(a This position involved working with other project DBAs and Developers, logical and physical design using Designer 9i/10g and Erwin, and coding of stored procedures (PL/SQL and Java), and XML/XSLT.  Move Stored Procedures from Dev to Test to Production.  Develop Reports and Forms using 10gDS.  Administer 10g Application Server.

Apr 2001 to May 2004:Oracle DBA (70% DBA/30% Designer/Developer)  with Toyota Motor Sales of Torrance, CA.(a This position involved administration of ORACLE 9i/8i datamart on HPUX and Win2K servers, working with other project DBAs, logical and physical design using Designer 9i/6i and Erwin, change management of both code and models, development of physical and logical standards documents, and coding of stored procedures (PL/SQL and Java), DB2, XML, and Informatica.  Oracle DBA duties included hot and cold backups, SQL Loader, Export/Import, SQL Plus, recovery management, tuning, database migration from 8i to 9i, etc.  The Toyota Order Management System (TOMS), including working with ADO/COM+ programmers and tuning n-tier applications.

Developed extensive PL/SQL stored procedures, functions, packages, triggers, object views, object types, including PL/SQL server pages (PSP)

Created tables, indexes, views, materialized views, including range partitioned tables and indexes

Developed in-house encrypt/decrypt database function in Java for application level security

Developed extensive HP Unix shell scripts, including Perl and Oracle Forms using 9iAS, for DBA activities: automating development and testing schema level refreshes (also converted FORMS from 6i to 9i)

Tuned SQL and PL/SQL for max performance, including extensive DBA and Architectural problem solving, replacing looping with Bulk Collections, use of temporary tables, and Statspack

Performed code reviews on backend and middle tier VB code

Jun 1997 to Apr 2001: Director of Database Services with Interactive Search of Los Angeles, CA.(a This position involves administration of ORACLE 8i,8.0,7.3 Databases and ORACLE WEB Server  (providing Internet data services) including installation, configuration, and upgrades of both host and client software components.  Additional duties involve management of 8 Sun SparcServers, 8 Alpha-based, 8 Intel/NT, and 1 HP Unix (HP OpenView) database servers including client/server technology involving TCP/IP on Intel PCs and NT workstations.  Oracle DBA duties included hot and cold backups, SQL Loader, Export/Import, SQL Plus, recovery management, tuning, etc.  Besides DBA, sys admin, and management duties, this position also required heavy involvement in the day-to-day operations, design, and development efforts, including coding of stored procedures and developing applications written in WebDB and PL/SQL Server Pages. Management of DBA team for 24x7 coverage.  Management of development team producing custom reports.  SQL*NET and configuration of Programmer/2000 (Pro*C), Designer/2000, Developer/2000, and applications on user and developer machines. Database Design and configuration/change management, including release management from development to test and into production.  Implemented standards documents.  Built PL/SQL modules to support business processes and replication.  Working with Product Management and Engineering to meet company goals and deadlines. Administered code reviews for Engineerings CGI applications.  Additionally, this position requires knowledge of ORACLE's Context Text Server, (InterMedia) providing full-text indexing and retrieval of the clients' data, consisting of over 1600 GB (1.6 TeraBytes) of disk space. Project started with Oracle 7.3 and after participating in Oracle 8i beta testing program in 1998, migrated to Oracle 8i, with production  implementation of 8i since March 1999.  Implemented hot standby databases.   Also managed MS SqlServer database for Vantive data.  Some work with Crystal Reports in support of customer requested enhancements.

After problems with Replication, wrote PL/SQL and triggers supporting in-house replication system, as part of High Availability strategy

Setup hot standby databases(now called DataGuard) as part of High Availability strategy, including extensive DBA and Architectural problem solving

Extensive Unix shell scripting and Perl on both Solaris and Tru64, including complex SQL*Loader parameter files supporting BLOB and CLOB data

Developed extensive PL/SQL stored procedures, functions, packages, triggers, including PL/SQL server pages (PSP)

Created users, database links, tables, indexes, views, materialized views, including range partitioned tables and indexes

Created batch jobs for loading data and rebuilding indexes, including Oracle TEXT indexing, (combining shell scripts and PL/SQL in batch jobs)

Performed code reviews on backend PL/SQL routines and Pro*C

Migrated data from various sources into Oracle

Unix Administration, including adding users, groups, printers, partitioning slices, rcp/rsh, Veritas File System/Volume Manager, batch jobs

Interfaced Oracle with Email systems for marketing and resume renewal campaigns

May 1997 to Jun 97: ORACLE DBA contracted to Perot Systems. This short-term position involved installation of seven ORACLE 7.3 instances and ORACLE Financials Release 10SC using DEC Unix.  Oracle DBA duties included hot and cold backups, SQL Loader, Export/Import, SQL Plus, recovery management, tuning, etc.   Additional duties including installation, configuration, and upgrades of both host and client software components.  SQL*NET and configuration of Designer/2000, Developer/2000, and applications on user and developer machines.

Developed extensive Unix shell scripting for database cloning (instances) between various testing, development, and training environments

Installed and applied patches to Oracle Financials, including extensive problem solving

Cloned Oracle Financials Instances for various Testing, Development, and Training environments

Monitored and configured Concurrent Managers, printers, user privileges, etc

Jan 1996 to Apr 97: ORACLE DBA /UNIX System Manager contracted to Information Technology Resources for ISUZU America, Buena Park, CA. This position involves management of 3 Sun SparcServers including client/server technology involving TCP/IP on Intel PCs and NT workstations.  Oracle DBA duties included hot and cold backups, SQL Loader, SQL Plus, Export/Import, recovery management, tuning, etc.   Additional duties involved HP OpenView, ORACLE 7.2/7.3 Database and ORACLE WEB Server  Administration including installation, configuration, and upgrades of both host and client software components.  SQL*NET and configuration of Programmer/2000, Designer/2000, Developer/2000, and applications on user and developer machines.  Involved in the design, review, implementation, testing, and release of databases, design specifications, and application software. Built PL/SQL modules to support business processes and replication.  After initial configuration of each of the 3 Unix systems occurring about 3 months apart, 80% of this position was DBA.

Developed extensive PL/SQL stored procedures, functions, packages, triggers, and forms

Performed code reviews and coordinated code changes between Pro*C developers in Japan and instances in Buena Park and Indiana

Developed extensive Unix shell scripting for change management of data and code between Japan and US, and testing/release management including extensive problem solving

Used Oracle Multi-Master replication between Buena Park and Indiana instances, as part of High Availability strategy

Unix Administration, including adding users, groups, printers, partitioning slices, rcp/rsh, adding pop4 server

Oct 1995 to Dec 1995: ORACLE DBA/ VMS System Manager contracted to Sanitation Districts of Orange County, Fountain Valley, CA. This position involves management of 2 OpenVMS clusters on Alpha and VAX hardware, including client/server technology involving Pathworks, Novell, and TCP/IP on Intel PCs and NT workstations.  Additional duties involved ORACLE 7.1 Database Administration on the Alpha cluster including installation and configuration of both host and client SQL*NET and configuration of Developer/2000 on clients.

Jun 1995 to Oct 1995: System Analyst/Developer contracted to Unocal 76 Products, Brea, CA. This position involves requirements gathering and applications to move legacy and POS data into ORACLE FINANCIALS v10. Applications were developed to interface APPLICATIONS OBJECT LIBRARY (AOL) using ORACLE v7.1, SQL*FORMS 2.3, PL*SQL,  SQL*Loader, SQL*ReportWriter 2.0, Sequent-Dynix (Unix).  Additional applications were written using SQL*FORMS 4.5 (CDE2 Windows) and client/server technology.

Feb 1995 to May 1995: System Analyst/Developer contracted to McDonnell Douglas, Long Beach, CA. This position involves requirements gathering and applications development in support of the Product Support groups Configuration and Change Management application using ORACLE v7.1, SQL*FORMS 4.5 (CDE2 Windows), PL*SQL, SQL*ReportWriter 2.0, HP-Unix and client/server technology.

Sept 1994 to Dec 1994: System Analyst/Developer contracted to Hughes Aircraft Co., Fullerton, CA. This position involves development of a Gov't. Air Defense application using ORACLE V7.1, SQL*FORMS 4.0 (CDE Motif), PL*SQL, SQL*ReportWriter 2.0, HP-Unix and client/server technology.

Jan 1994 to July 1994: System Analyst/Developer contracted to Canon Computer Systems, Irvine, CA. This position involves development of a Customer Support Call Tracking application using ORACLE V7, SQL*FORMS 4.0 (CDE Windows), PL*SQL, SQL*ReportWriter 2.0 and client/server technology.

Aug 1993 to Feb 1994: Principal System Analyst contracted to Rosemont Manufacturing Controls, La Habra, CA. This position involves development of Manufacturing Control applications using ORACLE V6, SQL*FORMS, PL*SQL, client/server technology, and ORACLE*CASE 2.0 under VAX/VMS, Pathworks, DOS, and OS/2.

Nov 1992 to July 1993: Principal System Analyst contracted to San Diego Port Authority, San Diego, CA. This position involves development of investment and project management applications using ORACLE V6, SQL*FORMS, PL*SQL, SQL*REPORTWRITER, client/server technology, and ORACLE*CASE 2.0 under RS/6000 and OS/2.

Dec 1992 to Feb 1993: Principal System Analyst at Quantum Health Resources, Orange, CA. This position involves development of health, inventory, and drug interaction applications using ORACLE V7, SQL*FORMS and PL*SQL routines under VAX/VMS.

Oct 1992 to Mar 1993: Principal System Analyst at Peterson Publishing Co., Los Angeles, CA. This position involved installation and upgrades of ORACLE RDBMS and development of publishing support, marketing, and accounting applications using ORACLE V6, SQL*FORMS and PL*SQL routines under Dynix.

Aug 1992: Training Consultant at Quantum Health Resources, Orange, CA. Presented one week training, "INTRODUCTION TO ORACLE TOOLS FOR VAX/VMS DEVELOPERS" to programmers using ORACLE V7, SQL*FORMS, SQL*PLUS and PL*SQL under VAX/VMS.

Aug 1992 to Oct 1992: Principal System Analyst with PTR contracted to PacifiCare, Cypress, CA. This position involves training users in ALL-IN-1, WordPerfect 5.0 (VMS), X-windows based terminals (NCDS), and general conversion of users documents from HP to ALL-IN-1.

Nov 1991 to July 1992: Principal System Analyst with PTR subcontracted to California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. This position requires knowledge of ORACLE RDBMS, COBOL, DCL, and C. Responsibilities include developing requirements and preparing programming specifications for a large, complex COBOL-based software project being moved from a Cyber to an integrated ORACLE data base, including physical data modeling and design, structured software design, analysis, synthesis, and implementation skills.

July 1987 to Oct 1991: Senior Analyst with MIDCOM subcontracted to McDonnell Douglas Space Station Company. This position requires knowledge of ORACLE RDBMS, ALL-IN-I script language, OMNIBASE (SMARTSTAR) Database, Britton Lee Database Machine, FORTRAN, Pascal, and C. Responsibilities include developing requirements, preliminary, and detailed design documents, conducting Preliminary Design Review (PDR), Critical Design Reviews (CDR) and presentations, preparing programming specifications for system implementation, developing Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) deliverables, providing systems engineering for large, complex software projects in an integrated data environment, including physical and logical data modeling and use of the DACOM methodology (IDEF models), structured design/ analysis/ synthesis/ implementation skills, with systems and database administration and design, conducting code and efficiency reviews, and addressing code re-usability.

Oct 1985 to July 1987: Task Order Manager (Member of the Technical Staff) with TRW - Defense Systems Group in Dayton, Ohio. This position required having comprehensive knowledge of structured system design, using highly skilled technical capabilities for structured implementation using ORACLE, FORTRAN, COBOL, ALL-IN-1, Datatrieve, and BASIC, management of TRW programmer/analysts and subcontractors, project management, tracking, and reporting to both TRW management and the USAF customer, and being responsible for successful completion of the project within time and cost constraints. Varied duties included development of a project management system, software tools, programmer environments, and graphical user interfaces, gathering information for and development of system requirements for large, complex software projects, development of system design, analysis, synthesis, and recommendation of alternatives while working closely with the U.S. Air Force customer, providing technical lead and guidance, Database design and administration, developing preliminary and detailed design Program Specifications to DoD-STD-2167, conducting Preliminary (PDR) and Critical Design Reviews (CDR), preparing programming specifications for system implementation, developing Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) deliverables, (Product Specification documents, Users Manuals, Version Description documents, etc.), and recommending and implementing standards and training procedures. These activities are performed at the customer's site using VAX-11 hardware. (Provided direct management of 5 programmers.)

February 1984 to June 1985: Computer Specialist with Ft. Campbell School District. Duties included requirements analysis, structured design, and implementation of computer systems for administrative users using RPG-II/III and BASIC on the IBM SYS/36, SYS/23, and IBM/PC. Also conducted faculty and staff  service workshops, hardware and software needs analysis, developed programming specifications, evaluated and recommended micro and mini-computer hardware and software, provided applications software and data conversion, modified and maintained Accounts Payable, General Ledger, and other accounting software, provided training for and use of MS/DOS, Lotus, WordStar, and Turbo Pascal, established purchasing needs and procurement specifications, set-up and maintenance of micros and minis, provide guidance for future computer utilization and networking.

June 1982 to October 1985: Learning Center Instructor with Ft. Campbell Army Education Center. Duties included autonomous operation during evenings and weekends of a PLATO Computer  Based Education Learning Center for the Ft. Campbell Army Education Division. Also extensively used microcomputers including developed courseware (using TUTOR), taught programming classes (Pascal and BASIC), training for and use of MS/DOS, Lotus, WordStar, and Turbo Pascal, rostered and maintained student records, assisted students with PLATO,  APPLEs, PCs and HP-3000 computers.

June 1982 to February 1984: Computer Systems Analyst/Consultant for Computer Software Associates. Duties included company ownership and management, structured design and analysis of customer hardware and software needs, evaluated and recommended microcomputer hardware and software, contracting for services, developed programming specifications, managed and implemented structured software projects using Pascal and BASIC, extensive use of microcomputers, conducted user training, conducted project management and tracking. Project management of four employees.

June 1981 to June 1982: Programmer for ACE Mini-Systems of Clarksville. Duties included the modification of BASIC language accounting packages for store customers. Other duties included hardware repair, ordering and stocking of computers and supplies, and limited sales.

Sept 1977 to April 1978: Electronics Mechanics Apprentice for the U.S. Naval Shipyard, Long Beach, CA. Duties included classroom as well as hands-on training in electronics repair and field-changes of radar and digital equipment.

June 1972 to June 1976: U.S. Army, Sgt. E-5, Air Defense Artillery. Secret Clearance. Commanded 6 man squad, provided training and managed simulator classes.

Professional Memberships: ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers: Computer Society), LeTip International, ORACLE Developers Alliance, Digital Equipment Corp. Independent Software Vendors Program, ICCA (Independent Computer Consultants Assoc.)

Education: Baccalaureate Degree in COMPUTER SCIENCE, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN. Minor: Math, President ACM Student Chapter 1981

Training: IDEF Modeling Techniques and LEVERAGE workshops by D. Appleton (DACOM).  ORACLE DATABASE DESIGN and ADMINISTRATION, BEGINNING and ADVANCED SOFTWARE DEVELOPER'S (included all ORACLE's development tools, including SQL*FORMS 2.3 & 3.0, SQL*REPORTWRITER, SQL*MENU, PRO*C, PRO*COBOL, etc.) Courses by Oracle Education Services.  IEEE Networking Course.  Control Data Corp.'s CREATE (Computer Resource for Effective Author Training) curriculum for Developing and Designing Computer Managed Instructional Materials.
2001:     Introduction to Java” by Oracle Education.
“Introduction to XML” by Learning Tree International.
2002:         “Administering the Oracle9i Application Server” by Oracle Education.

3rd Place in CODA-94's CDE Tools Programming Contest. (CDE  SQL*FORMS 4.0, SQL*REPORT 2.0, and SQL*GRAPHICS )

References: available upon request

Ø      Sandra Bartlett-Sherry, Oracle Consultant

Ø      Richard Hupp, Software Development Manager

As of May 2004