NAC Introduction

The NAC (NOAD ADVENDO Combinatie) team was created at September 19th., 1912 with the union of 2 dutch teams: NOAD (Nooit Ophouden Altijd Doorgaan - Never Give up Always Go on), who was created at September 14th., 1894, and ADVENDO (Aangenaam Door Vermaak En Nuttig Door Ontspanning - Nice by Pleasure and Useful by Relaxation), who was created at November 1st., 1904).

The NAC team is sponsored by the FUJIFILM from Netherland. Just a few months ago the new NAC stadium was inaugurated. It's called FUJIFILM Stadium and it has 17000 places.

Do you want to contact NAC? The NAC address is:

Voetbalvereniging NAC
Postbus 3356
Tel : 076 - 5214500
Fax : 076 - 5211975

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